Chapter 8

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Xavier's POV
We got to the pack house that meet William outside waiting for us.
"What's wrong? Has Roxy escaped? I asked
"No. Did Katherine escape?" He replied
"Yes she is really fast... for a girl... that is. So what did happen?" I said
"Well Roxy she can transform into a wolf. I thought they were humans" he said
"Katherine does the same thing. She is exhausted so I better take her up into the room" I said
"Ok Roxy was in her wolf form before but my room is locked make sure you lock it and the verandah door" he said giving me advice.
"Ok I will take the that advice. Bye" we walked inside and up the stairs I could hear scratching on Williams door I knew who was scratching it was Roxy. She howled and I ignored it. I opened up my bedroom door and went to my bed to put her down on the bed and then walked out of the room to go down to watch some TV and talk to William.

Katherine's POV
I woke up in the stupid room again! But I'm not in wolf form anymore. I looked at the verandah doors and they were closed so I went over to opened them but they were locked. Great absolutely great. I went to the door and banged on it then I heard a scream. I knew that scream it was Roxy. What's happening to her? Is she ok? Have they done something to her? All of these questions were spinning around in my head. I really hope that nothing bad has happened to her. Then something was buzzing in my pocket and I pulled it out. It was my phone and Roxy is calling me. I quickly answered. "Hi Roxy" I said
"Hi Kat. Are you in a room? If you are is it locked?  Can you change into a wolf because I can? If you can what's your-" I cut her off
"Yes. Yes. Yes and do you really need to know?"
"Yes" she says enthusiastically. I will never understand why she has to know every single detail.
"Wow and if you really want to know it is like a white colour coat. Let me guess your fur colour is brown?"
"Yes. Wait how did you know" why does she have to be so sarcastic. I quickly hang up as I start to hear some footsteps coming up the stairs and shoved my phone in my pocket. I didn't know what to do so I hid under the bed.

The door opens it must be midnight outside because it's so dark and starting to think about it I'm really tired all of a sudden. I can see boots coming towards the bed I hope it's not that guy who chased me my kidnapper... The boots come closer and closer. I hold my breath then an idea popped into my head when this person get's to where I want him or her to be which is near the bed then I would roll out and sprint to the open door and free Roxy and myself.

I waited for about five minutes and the person was right where I wanted him or her to be and a bonus their back was facing away from me. I rolled out and sprinted to the door. I wasn't seen thank goodness. I go to the door across from me and opened it to find Roxy on the bed I whispered urgently
"Come on! Let's get out of here!" She got up and without any word followed me. We went down the hallway and down the stairs. When we got to the stairs we weren't so lucky. We were surrounded. But how did they know? They started to push us against the wall. I officially hate these people in this room starting... from...... now!!!!! I'm glad I toke those karate, material arts, gym, well you get the picture classes and I bet Roxy is to because she did it with me. This guy comes and tries to knock me out but I was quicker and did a round house he lost his balance then I went low and knocked him off his feet and to a finishing touch knocked him out. I'm not really the person who kills people.

These people who are fighting us aren't as highly trained as we are because it was easy to knock them out really and I mean really easy.

We ran down the hallway and turned left. Turns out it was the kitchen.
"Lets grab some knives and some food and water " I say
"Sure" she replied. I go to the draws trying to find the cutlery draw and Roxy went to the fridge.

The first draw that opened I was shocked. There were four hand held guns all of them loaded. I took them and under neath were a hole lot of bullets I also took them. Don't blame me you never know when you might need them. The fifth or sixth draw I found the knives. Well they weren't technically knives they were blades but to me I don't care their sharp so I can deal with that. I grabbed a couple, OK four, maybe six, ok fine eight but you never know when you might need them and I would like all my limps attached if I can make it out of this prison/house. I turned to Roxy who had two back packs filled; some fruit in a can, vegetables in a can, two filled water bottles, first aid kit, bandages, nutrition biscuits and CHOCOLATE. I absolutely love chocolate. She knows me so well but sometimes it scares me. We hear shouting we run across the hallway into a room we shut the door and locked it. It turns out the room that we are in is the laundry and there were a whole lot of clothes. I looked a Roxy and she nodded. I went to the enormous pile of clothes and Roxy stood by the door.

I went through the pile of clothes. What I found was; 2 black leather jackets, 2 dark jeans, 2 pairs of denim shorts, 4 tank tops, 2 short sleeve shirts, bonus 2 pairs of combat boots and 2 pairs of black converse.

I grabbed the two back packs and stuff the clothes in them besides; 2 tank tops, both leather jackets, 2 denim shorts and the 2 converse.

"Roxy we need to get out of these clothes and put on new ones. So we will look like different people" I say

"Yes ma'am" she replies with a salute I roll my eyes. We change into denim shorts, a tank top, converse and a leather jacket. I remember the knives and guns and hand Roxy four of the knives and one of the guns with two packets of bullets. She looks surprised I don't blame her.

"It's ok we might not need to use the guns but we will need the knives. And no we won't need to kill any-" I was cut of by all the shouting and sirens. Why are sirens going? Is it the police? Is the FBI here? All of these questions and more were spinning in my head. But I think she got what I mean because she placed the guns in the pocket inside her jacket, 2 of the knives in her backpack and 2 in her converse and I did the same.

"Open up!!" Said a voice outside the door. Oh great. That's just great.

"Open up now!!' Said another voice. I looked over at Roxy who was putting on her backpack and I did the same. We looked around to find an exit. I found the window which was half open. We could open it a bit more and then sprint. That is the best plan.

"Roxy" I say in a whisper

"Yes?" She replies back in a whisper

"I have a great idea. See that window over there?"


"Well we could open it up and jump down and sprint off" her face lit up with a huge smile.

We went over to the window and opened it up all the way quietly and jumped down hopefully quietly. When we touched the ground we sprinted off into the distance right beside each other.

Hello peeps!

Ok hopefully I have time to update the next chapter soon!
Question: I need help I don't know what to do for the next chapter!
Should they come across some other people who kidnaps them?
I need your help!!!!!



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