Katherine's life changes as soon as she finds a golden coin as only royalty are in possession of this coin.
Katherine then soon finds out that she is a werewolf but not just a common werewolf but a royal werewolf. Finding out her ability her life...
As I got to my room that I had here, I realised that I don't know how I should dress. So now I am in my room panicking on what to do. I screamed in frustration and gripped at my hair. I flopped on my bed and as soon as I hit the soft mattress a knock came from the door.
"Come in!" I yelled propping my self on my elbows.
A teenage girl probably around my age poked her head through the door. She had short brown hair with what looks like it one blue eye and one green eye.
"Are you ok?" The mystery girl asked concerned.
"No." Was my response. The girl came in and stood at the edge of the bed. She cocked her head to the side with her eyebrows raised. And oh my gosh were they perfect.
"Then why are you screaming?" She retorted.
"Curiosity killed the cat." I said lazily then lying on the bed starring at the ceiling.
"True. But satisfaction brought it back." Was her reply.
I proper myself up with my elbows again and cocked an eyebrow at her.
"You really aren't going to let this go until you find out aren't you?" I asked smiling slightly. I am beginning to like this girl.
"Yup," She said popping the 'p'. "Oh and I'm Emily by the way." She said holding her hand out for me to shake.
"I'm Katherine but you can call me Kat. And if you must know I have a date tonight and I don't know what to wear."
After hearing my name she immediately kneeled and bowed her head. Where as I was completely confused by this act.
"I'm so sorry Princess Katherine." She said monotonously.
Welp this is new. I simply just started laughing and she looked at me simply confused which made me laugh even more. Boy this was funny. I kept laughing until my stomach hurt. I wiped away my tears of laughter and looked at Emily.
"You don't need to use all this formalities. There is no need." I said while smiling.
She got off the floor looking a tad bit embarrassed.
"Ok well that was awkward. Anywho now it is my job as your newly found friend and soon to be bestfriend to help you choose an outfit to wear for your date. And may ask who you are going with?" She said with curiosity gleaming in her eyes.
"You like to ask a lot of questions don't you?," I said while chuckling softly "And I am going with the one and only Xavier."
"Oh you mean Alpha Jones?" She said.
His last name was Jones? Well I certainly didn't know that. You learn something new everyday.
"I guess so." I said.
"Luna." She said while bowing her head.
"Once again no need for formalities," I said laughing. "Just call me Kat."
"Ok." She said while also laughing.
We then quickly decided on what I should wear to my date.
After two hours of getting ready we finally decided on a pair of skinny jeans ripped at the knee, I plain white V-neck, a brown leather jacket and some brown heels. We paired it a brown purse, a gold watch and bangle with a roseish pink lip. I then just had a little bit of foundation on with some mascara and eyeliner.
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To be honest I looked smiling hot.
"Egotistic much?" Kyra replied back rudely.
"Oh shut up." I said and blocked her. She is just jelly.
I thanked Emily and we walked down the steps to where Xavier was waiting. I am glad that I didn't go in a sweater and some sweat pants.
He was dressed in a white button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, denim jeans and some brown shoes.
This is why I should never dress myself when it comes to dates because I would look like a drowned rat and that wouldn't be a pretty sight to see. I did a mental sigh of relief as I smiled and accepted the hand he had put for me. I turned around to wave good bye to Emily and Xavier and I walked out hand in hand.
We jumped in one of his fancy cars and drove off to an in known destination to me.
"Where are we going?" I asked while silently praying for him to tell me because I am not one for surprises.
"Sorry babe but it's a surprise." He replied smirking.
Oh the irony.
To what seemed like hours we made it to a classy looking cinema. Well this is a first and once again I am thankful that I didn't chose my outfit by myself.
We walked into the cinema and we bought the tickets, popcorn and drinks. When I say we I mean he did it because he wouldn't be a "gentleman" if he let me pay. Well I accepted it because hey free food.
We walked into Cinema 3 and I still didn't know what movie we were watching. I just hope that it's not a chick-flick because those aren't my favourite movies.
The movie began and then I finally realised what we were watching.
And to make things better I am bloody terrified of clowns. Already I can tell that this night is going to be filled with screaming and tears.
Please Moon Goddess. Help me!!
Hey guys! I know this is a short chapter but at least it is better than nothing right?
Anywho thanks for reading and please vote and comment.