Chapter 18

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Katherine's P.O.V
We finally finished shopping! Thank the Heavens!

You never realise how much stuff you need until you buy it all. The problems of being a girl.

'Hell yea girlfraaannd' said Kyra out of no where.

'Aren't you a wolf?' I responded mentally laughing

'Just because I am a wolf doesn't mean I don't have my female wolf needs' she responds in her sassy matter-of-fact voice.

Having a voice in your head, you learn to accept what they say because if you disagree with them. They can make your life a leaving hell, especially painful headaches.

'You got that right' said Kyra laughing

'Oh shut up' and with that final statement I blocked her out.

"Hey can we stop and get food because I think my stomach is now trying to eat itself" said Zac while looking down at his stomach.

We all agree to get some food because you know why not and because Zac will keep nagging us until we feed him.
We went out separate ways to get our own food, but obviously Xavier and Jason come with me because now they won't leave my side.

We walk into Starbucks first because I haven't been in here for ages. I order a pumpkin spice late and then I kinda spaced out when Jason and Xavier ordered theirs. Once we got our drinks, we walked to this pizza place and what I ordered was; a family size cheese pizza, family sized meat lovers pizza and some garlic bread. If you are thinking 'are sure this is going to fill all three of you?'.

No, because it's all for me. I am a hungry growing girl and I need my food to give me energy to soldier on through life.

'Wow you are hilarious.' Was my wolfs sarcastic reply, 'but one thing is true, is that you are a full on pig!'

'I am not!' I said firmly.

I can feel her rolling her eyes and face palming her self. Well face pawing herself. Hahaha.

'Hunny, Just stop'

'Yes mother'

After we collect our food we walk to the table where my brothers are sitting.
Xavier sits down first, then me and lastly Jason. So I am squished in a sandwich.

I am peacefully eating my pizza when I see are hand creeping along to get a slice of my pizza.

I go into 'killer mode' and twist the hand of the person. I look up glaring at who ever it belongs to. Luke.

I am death staring him because NO ONE and I mean NO ONE TOUCHES MY FOOD, LET ALONE PIZZA.

"Damn if looks could kill" Quinn says while chuckling.

"Ok Satan, please let go of my hand now thanks" Luck says.

After a couple seconds I released his hand and go back to eating my pizza. As I am chewing my deliciousness the boys start talking about adding extra security and patrols around the border of both of the packs, Xavier's and Quinn's.

So I found out that Xavier's Pack is called Blood Moon and Quinn's,well my family's, Pack is called the Golden Crown. Which I have guessed, because I am so ridiculously smart, that it's called that Golden Crown well because:
1. Golden = Rich
2. Rich = Top Pack
3. Top Pack = Werewolf royalty
4. Royalty = Crown
Thus I have come to the conclusion that that is why it's called the Golden Crown.

'Wow! You actually sounded smart" Laughed Kyra.

'Well I am definitely smarter than you' Was my comeback, 'Apply ice to burn.'

'Oh don't big note yourself' Was her last reply as she blocked me off.

Katherine 1. Kyra 0.

Anyway back to what I was saying.
The boys were talking about statistics, security, patrols blah blah blah. Isn't it an obvious choice just to join packs. It's really that simple. Because if we join packs our forces will be stronger, there will be more pack members, more warriors and the pack will have more strength.

Sometimes a really wonder how I ended up with boofheads for brothers and idiots for mates.

" GUYS LISTEN UP!" I yelled at them to get their attention.

They all stopped what they were doing and looked at me.

"Ok so I have a plan and it's really simp-" I began explaining before I was cut rudely off by Quinn.

"Sorry sis but none of your plans before hand have actually worked." After Quinn has finished talking my brothers gave me pointed looks. Ok so I admit some of my plan haven't worked before in the past. But not all!

"But I know this one will wor-" I was cut off again! By Luke this time.

"You have said that before and it didn't work"

"Ok ok. But I am sure it will work out this time! I promi-" What is it with people and cutting me off!?

"You also said that before." Said Connor with a bored expression.

I looked at my mates for help but they just shrugged. Great thanks for the help. I mentally rolled my eyes.

"Come one guys. We should at least give her chance." Zac spoke ok my defence. Thank goodness someone is on my side.

My brothers looked at each other and probably mentally discussing if they should or not. Feeling the family love.

I guess they finally agreed to give me a chance as they looked at me expectantly.

"Ok. You guys should stop organising all the statistics and patrols etc. When the simple solution is just to join packs because then we will be bigger and stronger. Which means we will have a higher security." After I finished explaining my plan. My brothers looked at me impressed and my mates proud.

"You know what Katherine. That might actually work." Quinn said approvingly.

"See not all my plans are terrible!" I yelled with a smile on my face.

"Ok ok. Can you keep it down now because you are attracting to much attention" Connor replied.

I looked around and sure enough many people were staring at me strangely. Well sorry for being a genius.

The boys started discussing plans about merging together but I just zoned out and continued eating my delicious food.


After the boys finished talking pack business and I finished my food we drove back to Xavier's pack house.

As we were driving up the drive way I saw there were little kids playing around. I heard a growl and I snapped my head to where the sound came from. Through the bushes I saw two piercing red eyes.


Hey guys I am so sorry that I haven't updated recently!!!

Assignments and Homework seem to never end.

Also watch out for my new book that will be coming out soon and in the next chapter I will finally reveal what the title is.

Anyway bye lovelies!!

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