Chapter 7

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Johnny Depp is playing William.

Xavier's POV
Lachlan and Edward shifted into their wolf form to fight. They got a shock but they turned into a cougar showing their teeth and Lachlan and Edward did the exact same thing. William and I stayed in human form to get the girls while the other two are in the fight with their other two. The fight began one of them took a go of Lachlan but lost and fell to the ground unconscious and the other one got a go of Edward but he followed his friend fell to the ground unconscious. We ran to get the girls scooped them up in our arms. She looks so beautiful when she's asleep and she is so light. We quickly run to the forest.

It didn't take long because of our super fast speed. We got to the pack house William took one the girl in his arm to his room and I took the other one to my room. I put her on my bed she is so cute. Then I went down stairs to meet up with the Lachlan and Edward.
"You ok guys?" I asked I could see they were puffed
"Yes but we can't believe that they could shift into a cougar" Lachlan said. I know it's usually a horse or wolf not a cougar.
"We better should get back to the stables and take the horses Katherine and Roxy took" said Edward. Wait they knew their names?
"What are their names" I asked. William came down to know which ones which.
"Well the blonde haired one is Katherine and the brown haired one is Roxy" Lachlan said. So the girl in my bed is named Katherine that's amazing. I could see that William was happy with name. Lachlan and Edward said their good byes and went back to the royal stables and then we sat down to watch some T.V.

Katherine's POV
I woke up to find myself in a room and in a bed. I sat quickly looking at my surroundings. The room was dark but I could see perfectly and that isn't normal. I looked for Roxy but I couldn't find her. I went up to the door and tried to open it. It was locked. Great absolutely great. I started to freak out. Oh only if I was a wolf I could probably well maybe knock down the wall. I closed my eyes and wished so hard that I was a wolf. Then I could hear bones cracking I screamed and screamed.

It kept going an when I opened I was a wolf.I went up to the mirror to see my reflection. I was a white wolf the not the same colour as my hair but it was still awesomeand my eyes are blue just like the colour of my eyes when I'm in human form.

'Hi girl' said a random voice

'Who said that?' I asked to the strange voice that somehow is in my head. Wow I really am crazy.

'You aren't going crazy weirdo. I'm your wolf, Kyra'

'Ok good thing to know I'm not going crazy. To be honest I seriously thought that your name would be like Snow or Ic or something like that. '

'Well it's not so I guess you're stuck with me' she said and I could seriously hear the smirk in her voice.

'Unfortunately' I replied

'I heard that!'

'You were suppose to anyway I was only kidding'

'Good but I would love to keep this chit chat going but our mate slash kidnapper is coming' she said and she stopped talking.

What? What is a mate? As I finished mentally asking that question to myself. The door opened a came in and that boy was the boy I met at the cafe. I growled at him. I could see that he got a shock because it's not every day you see a girl that could change into a wolf then I see he left the door open. I looked at him then sprinted to the door but he shut it before I could get out and it hit my nose. I whimpered at him then growled. What I didn't expect is that he changed into a wolf as well. Since when could he change into a wolf? Maybe it's normal to shift into a wolf? We started to circle each other growling.

He charged at me but I dogged it then he didn't it again unexpected so he got me. He was on the top of me and I was underneath him. I growled at him then he nibbled my ear I growled at him even more. I tried to bite him but it didn't work so I growled at him even more. Then I saw the door open to the veranda.

Xavier's POV
When I went into the room because I heard screaming and when I walked into the room I found her in wolf form. I was shocked and amazed. Then she tried to escape I got a bit angry and changed into wolf form. We circled each other then I charged at her but she dogged but she didn't expect it. She fell under me and growled at me. I nibbled her ear she tried to bite me but didn't work so she just growled at me even more. Th next thing I knew is that she pushed me off of her and she ran to the veranda and jumped. What in the world is she doing? Is she escaping? I chose escaping and jumped down after her.

To be honest she is really fast...for a girl that is. When I got down I couldn't see her but I could smell her. I ran after her but I think she really doesn't know these woods like I do. Then I heard a wolf howl and a shuffling of boots. I ran as fast as I could I found her under a net and unconscious with someone pointing a gun at her. I ran up to the man and jumped on him biting him on the leg and sent him flying to tree and he hit his head and went unconscious. I quickly transformed back into human form to carry her back into the pack house again. When I picked her up her fur was so soft and shimmered like snow in the sun. Hopefully she doesn't wake up while I'm carrying her.

Hi everyone!!
If sorry if this chapter was short I tried my hardest to get it done quick! So I really hope this was a good chapter I had some troubles with it but I hopefully it's good. The next chapter will come out soon and if any of you a wondering Roxy will become a wolf and her fur will be like a chocolatey kind of brown and they are both teenage wolves? Keep writing and never give up on your dreams!

Question: should I do a POV of William?

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P.S. Ellena126_  i know the punctuation and grammar isn't correct!

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