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WANDA AND PIETRO MAXIMOFF were talked about like prized possessions. It was always, 'Today, Wanda did this' or 'Pietro had just did this.' The twins were everything they talked about now. Whenever Strucker would ask how the survivors or volunteers were, the guards would only mention the twins, leaving out the third one. The Maximoffs were like his prized possessions, always checking on them and giving them the best of things. Strucker never got upset with them (unless they terribly messed up), unlike the other one.

With her, he would almost always yell at her if something went wrong, causing her to whimper and cry then he proceeded to yell and abuse her more, but it wasn't her fault. Strucker had absolutely refused contact of all kinds with anyone who wasn't the doctors who would check her vitals and give her meals. The girl had absolutely no control over her powers and once or twice, she had killed someone who was just bringing her her food. He didn't even give her a name; he had always referred to her as either 'Subject 26' or the third survivor. He even made sure that the twins didn't know about her.

Until one day, one guard made the mistake of bringing her up around the Maximoffs while Strucker was observing them train. Even though the man had whispered to the baron, the twins could still hear. When the guard had left, Strucker's ears looked like they would start fuming steam.

"Baron S-strucker?" Wanda stuttered, almost whispering it.

His gaze now focused on the brunette girl sitting on the floor, the small building blocks surrounding her. "Yes, Wanda?" he said in a kind tone, unlike the one he used with the hidden survivor.

"W-who's S-subject 26?" she asked, her eyes looking down at the floor in front of her, her face flushed. It was obvious how embarrassed she was just asking the question.

The man turned to the wall, looking through the window to where the other scientists and doctors were observing them. What was he supposed to say? He saw the scientists behind the glass shrug. Great, that's helpful. The baron slowly turned back to the twins. "She's actually the first survivor of the tests. We've kept her isolated because her powers are unstable, much like yours were when you first started."

"May we see her?" Pietro asked. He now stood at his sister's side, tightly gripping her hand. "Maybe we can help her with her enhanced powers. Wanda and I barely got control over our abilities but with her... I think we can help her."

Strucker blinked. Barely a minute ago, he had stated that this girl - this experiment - was extremely dangerous. She had been in captivity like an animal to protect the other guards. Although it was rare, a few guards had died just walking in to just give her food. But then again... there were the twins. While Pietro had quickly mastered his enhanced abilities, it took a little longer with Wanda. It's possible that the twins could help her, help her control her newfound abilities. But it's also possible that the two could get hurt but he could show her the consequences without the two knowing. He had already done it several times.

Even though the twins were sufficient enough, he liked the idea of a third weapon. One where he could mold and change it to his own benefit, one that he could harness the power of anyone, especially with her missing memories. He could just as easily tell her that he kept her away and harmed her to protect her. She could - no, would believe it.

For another minute of silence, he remembered the Maximoff twins still standing in front of him. He smiled grimly. "Of course, come with me."

A/N: This is officially the second chapter of my story, Little Warriors. I really hope you guys are enjoying this story as I am just writing it. I'll update soon guys. Bye!

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