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HE KISSED HER. Without warning, without permission. Without even deciding to do it, but simply because he couldn't have done anything else. He needed that breath she was unknowingly holding. It was like it belonged to him and he wanted it back.

Pietro placed his hands on Cara's cheeks as he deepened the kiss. Instead of pushing him away like Cara's inner voice told her, she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer to her. The kiss started off soft and slow then turned passionate and hungry. The Sokovian boy pushed the girl against the wall, placing his hands on either side of her head. His lips felt chapped against her soft ones.

They instantly pulled apart when they heard someone clearing their throat rather loudly. The pair whipped around to see the brunette Maximoff, her arms crossed with a bag of food in her hand. "Uh, am I... am I interrupting something?" she said with a teasing smile.

Pietro and Cara blushed, staying silent before the older boy spoke. "I-I think I'll go, um, t-take a shower," he stuttered before flashing into the bathroom, slamming the door.

"Well hurry up!" Wanda yelled at him. "I promised some people that we would help them after we ate."

Cara remained silent as Wanda walked into the kitchenette, placing the groceries on the counter. "Don't say it," Cara said as she sat on the bed.

"I didn't say anything," Wanda said with a childish grin on her face. She was quiet while she put the food away. "By the way, I told you so."

She spoke before she could think. "It was a moment of weakness. It won't happen again," Cara said.

It pained her to say that. Pietro had a good soul, she knew that, and he didn't deserve her. He didn't deserve a girl who had no memory and barely any control over her powers. He deserved a kind spirited soul, one that could make him happy, something that she couldn't.

And besides, would it happen again? Maybe, maybe not. She wouldn't mind if it happened again, she'd prefer it. But then she continued to tell herself not to succumb to her feelings again, not to give into temptation.

Minutes had passed while Wanda made dinner; Cara had just sat on the bed, softly muttering under her breath. Pietro had emerged wearing a brand new shirt and pants but the same black jacket. "You wanted to talk to us?"

"I told Mr. Udoniv and Zrinka and Costel that we would help them. So hurry up and eat."


Apparently the fight with the Avengers earlier that day had taken a toll on the civilians living in the nearby city. There were a few piles of rubble here and there but there didn't seem to be any deaths. HYDRA didn't bother to try and clean up the mess and neither did the Avengers - not much to Cara's surprise - so the twins thought it was their civic duty to help their friends.

Using his powers, Pietro had ran all over town, grabbing supplies for people. Currently, he was in the market, handed out food to a freezing couple, blankets to a few people, pills for an old man, and from his bag he grabbed a soccer ball. He turned to Zrinka, "This is for your brother."

The blonde woman smiled, taking the ball from him. "Thank you."

Pietro reached into his bag, pulling out a beautiful gold dress. "And this is not for your brother." From far away, Cara and Wanda rolled their eyes at Pietro's flirting.

"Oh no," Zrinka shook her head, taking the dress. She held it up by the straps. "This is too -"

"Is every girl in Sokovia getting a dress from Paris?" Wanda teased as she passed by the crowd. "At least Gertie's looked warm." Cara lingered behind, staring at the boy.

Pietro gave a humorless laugh and shook his head. "She's kidding." He grabbed Cara's hand and ran up to catch up with his sister. "You're jealous you're not getting a dress," he teased as he caught up with her.

"You keep stealing, you're going to get shot," Wanda chided. Even though Pietro was twelve minutes older than her, Wanda was much more mature than him. Pietro scoffed and she slapped his arm. "I mean it. At speed, nothing can touch you, but standing still -"

"Hey, do you think I want to be?" Pietro interrupted. He stepped in front of his sister, pulling Cara with him. She stood beside him, taking in his words. "You said wait and I'm waiting. I don't know for what."

"He's right, Wanda," Cara nodded. The brunette turned to her. "I hate to get in the middle of your sibling rivalry, but he's right. We had Stark there, helpless, and all those years -"

"Costel!" Zrinka ran past the three and ran up to a small brunette boy. "Costel, where did you go?"

"The church," Costel answered. The twins and Cara watched the sister and brother converse. "The man says to meet him at the church."

"What man?" Wanda asked.

Costel hesitated. "The... iron man."

Pietro turned back to Wanda and Cara, an eyebrow raised.

A/N: My original plan for how they were going to meet Ultron changed when MARVEL released the deleted scenes of Avengers: Age of Ultron (yay!!). The scene where Pietro and Wanda are in the market helping the Sokovians was actually in the movie. Also some of you guys probably didn't know, but Costel (the boy who Clint saved and Pietro died for) and Zrinka (the woman  who was on the boat calling out Costel's name, making Clint go out and get him) aren't mother and son but brother and sister. A lot of people make that mistake and all the time when my friends say that, I'm thinking, "THEY AREN'T MOTHER AND SON! THEY'RE SIBLINGS! IT'S ON THE MARVEL WIKI PAGE! IT'S IN THE DELETED SCENES! PLEASE GET THAT THROUGH YOUR THICK SKULLS!" Still love you guys.

Anyway, I'll have a chapter soon. Bye guys!

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