3 Dance with Me

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I know I didn't do anything, so why would dad want to talk to me in his office? He only does that whenever one of us did something wrong and dad would go lecturing us for hours in his office. Torture? Tell me about it.

I rose up from my seat and went to my room where I got the cursed paper bag. This is probably why I'm going to have a bad day today and one more reason why I'm in such a bad mood. I don't know how the paper bag managed to get inside my room, but I am about to find out.

As soon as I walked back inside the kitchen, I placed the paper bag on the table, in front of Leon and glared at him.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?" He protested.

"You don't know? I asked you to give this to Mr. de Oliveira last night, what is this doing back in my room?"

"I did give it back to him."

Leon replied calmly. He wasn't lying.

"Then why is this back in my room?"

"Ava dear," Adelaide interrupted. "Alejandro asked me to give that back to you. But since you were asleep already, I just placed that inside your room. Is that the reason why you're so grouchy today? What is in that paper bag anyway?"

"And why would Alejandro give you something?" Leon added.

"And why would she return it?" Lucien asked. "And isn't it odd that Liam's not saying anything at all?"

"You boys stop ganging up on your sister, do you hear me?" Adelaide finally put an end to my misery. "Don't you have football practice today?"

Just like that, my twin brothers stood up with an annoying grin plastered on their faces. They said goodbye before heading outside.

"Ava, what is in the paper bag anyway?" Liam finally asked.

"I don't know and I don't care."

Suddenly, we heard a muffled ringing inside the kitchen. Adelaide, Liam and I looked at each other before we all realized that the sound was coming from inside the paper bag.

"What the hell?"

I said out loud as I took out the smaller box from inside the paper bag. It was a brand new cell phone and it was ringing like crazy.

Liam told me to open the box. For a few seconds the ringing stopped but did not take long before it started ringing again.

There was no way to make it stop unless I open the box and then turn off the cell phone - or maybe I can just smash it and then burn it.

"Ava!" Liam called my attention and I quickly opened the box. Why am I not surprised?

Alejandro's picture was on the screen with his name written on the bottom. He saved his own number and now he's calling me first thing in the morning.

I took phone from the bag and swiped the screen to answer it.

"I am returning these items, Alejandro."

Yes. Not even a 'hello'. The jerk does not deserve it.

"A good morning to you too, Natalia."

As if he didn't hear what I just said.

"What do you want?"

"Just checking if you like the shoes-"

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