14 So Close

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"What in the world is this, Alejandro?!" I snapped at him. after everything he did, after everything that's happened, he's doing this. He must be on drugs or something.

He looked surprised at my reaction. Was he actually expecting me to go all googly eyed and appreciate this...whatever this gesture of transforming the whole restaurant into a romantic, prom-themed place is?

"I'm leaving." I turned around but Alejandro caught my arm.

"Wait, Natalia...can we just..." he paused, searching his brain for the right words to say. "...just this once, can we just...pretend, that I'm just some random guy who approached you and asked you for a dance?"

"You're crazy!"

"It's the last time...this is the last time I'll be bothering you, Natalia. Please...dance with me..." his voice trailed off.

I silently wished he was telling the truth.


I really wished hard, this will be the last time I'll see him.


When I said that single word, he looked so relieved he breathed out as if he'd been holding his breath, and smiled.

For the second time, Alejandro offered his right hand and I hesitantly took it. Do I really want to go through this again?

Alejandro led me to the dance floor, and right on cue, new music began playing.

"I don't dance, you know that, right?"

"That's alright, Natalia. Step on my shoes and I'll guide you." He softly said, gazing deeply into my eyes.

I carefully stepped on both his shoes. His eyes never left mine, as if there is nothing that can get his attention.

"Why this, Alejandro?"

"Someone told me you never got to attend prom."


"No, one of the other twins. I'm not sure if that was Leon or Lucien. It's really hard to tell the difference."

I rolled my eyes at the memory of missing out on prom, the only party I'm looking forward to, while looking all glammed up and my brothers managed to ruin it. I don't know what they did exactly, but they probably scared the hell out of my supposed to be date that night.

I was so mad at them, what's the use of going to the prom without a date?

"He's not worth it, Natalia."


"That boy. If your brothers easily scared him off with empty threats, he can't stand up for himself. How do you expect him to stand up for you?"

"How do you do that?"

"Do what?"

"You seem to read my mind when I'm in deep thought."

"I can't read minds, Natalia, I just happen to be able to predict what's going on inside that hard- head of yours."

"I'm predictable? Hard-head, yes, but predictable?"

"Only when you lose that temper of yours."

All the while, I took quick glances at him and tried looking at his amber eyes, then tried focusing on different parts of the restaurant, just so I wouldn't be so obvious. Then Alejandro stopped swaying and became completely still.

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