Chapter 1

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Rachel tapped her foot impatiently, "Are you almost done?". "Almost, your highness, just hold still." The maid Stella, who was doing her hair, said. "Hurry, Stella, I wanna be done before she gets back." Rachel said. "Going to see him are we?" Stella raised an eyebrow. "Yeah." Rachel smiled.

Regina felt nervous letting Henry check on Zelena, but that's how it had to be. "You remember what I said about the protection spell?". Henry nods "It'll protect me from from Zelena's magic if she has any.". Regina smiled, "Do you remember what the code is and.." Henry cut her off saying. "Don't worry I got this, Mom.". "Okay, but be careful." Regina said as Henry left.

Henry made his way through the "Evil Queen's prison" looking for room number 4. He quickly found the door and opened it slowly. Instead of Zelena a teenage girl who looked about 16 or so sat there. "Who are you?" Henry asked. "Please let me go." The girl whispered. Henry stepped closer to her and she flinched away. "Has she sent you..... to beat me?" She asked slowly. "Who?" Henry was very confused. "The Evil Queen." She stated. "Why would she do that?" He asked. "She sends someone or comes herself every two weeks and beats me." Henry could see tears visible on the girl's cheeks. "No.... no I'm not here to beat you. I opened the wrong door." Henry got even closer to her. "What's your name?" He asked. "Rachel..... Rachel Mills." She said shakily. "Mills?" Henry thought. "H.... How long have you been in here.". "Almost thirty-two years." Rachel sighed. Henry reached out his hand. "Why don't you come with me.". "She'll get mad if you let me out." Rachel said about to take his hand. "Well I don't care. Now come with me." Henry said. Surprisingly she took his hand firmly in hers. "Let's go then." She smiled. Rachel's brown hair was messy and she was dressed in a t-shirt and jeans, not in ballgowns. Which Henry thought was weird. "Henry!" One of the nurses, Harriet, yelled. Henry looked at the girl "Run!". Surprising the girl kept up with easily. When they we're finally out she asked, "Where are you taking me?". Henry smiled and said "Just trust me, okay." He reached out his hand to her. Rachel smiled and took his hand, "Okay."

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