Chapter 3

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Rachel slipped the hood up on the jacket Henry told her to wear, so no one would see her. She walked down the street. A little boy falls in front of me. "Are you okay?" Rachel ran over and bent down. He starts to cry more. "Here sweety let me see." Rachel said soothingly. He hold out his hand, which is bleeding. "Come here." She picked him up. "Let me take care of it." Rachel said. She waved her hand over his. It heal instantly and the boy stoped crying. Before she could say anything a man came out of the dinner, which Henry told her about, and ran over. "What happened here?" He demanded. "He fell, Sir." Rachel said, "I picked him up trying to get him to stop crying.". The man smiled, "Thank you, Miss..... I'm sorry I don't think I got your name?". "Rachel." She said with a smile. "Nice to meet you, Rachel, I'm Robin of Locksly and this is my son Roland Hood." The man - Robin - said. "Robin.... Robin Hood and Roland?" Rachel thought. "Come on Roland let's let this nice lady get on her way." Robin said trying to take the child. Roland tightened his grip on Rachel. "I wanna stay with Rach, Daddy." Roland said. His speech much clearer then Rachel remembered. Slowly Rachel removed the hood and smiled at Robin. "Mills?" Robin gasps. "That's me." Rachel waves.

. . .

"Ugh! Hurry up, Rach, I've got to babysit little Hood in ten minutes." Kate Anderson paced outside the bathroom door. Kate Anderson was Rachel's best and closest friend. "What 'the Great Kate Anderson' can't wait five seconds." Rachel said sarcastically coming out. Kate raised an eyebrow at the girl. "Well I guess since you couldn't very well go through the wood in a dress, could you?". Rachel sighed, "I guess......." She was interrupted by the door of her bedroom being burst open. Kate quickly pulled up her hood. Rumplestiltskin walked slowly into the princess' room. "What are you doing here, Stiltskin?" Rachel asked obviously annoyed at the green, sparkly man. "I came to pay a visit to your mother, and decided to pay a visit to you as well. And why is this filthy thieve here?"

. . .

"Rachel!" Robin hugged her. The girl hugged him back. "There's someone I'm sure wanted to see you, come on." Robin said excitedly and took off down the street. Rachel took off after the hunter with his child still in hand.

Hey guys are you excited for tonights episode of OUAT!!!!
I don't know if you've heard or not, but Ruby's coming back!!

Anyway Kate's in the picture and she is played by the lovely Willa Holland. An that's what Kate's outfit looks like.

I wrote like a really long chapter for the last chapter, but Wattpad deleted half of it oh well.

~ Belle out

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