Chapter 11

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Henry sat beside Rachel's hospital bed. It'd been a week since it had happened, and she only stirred a couple times. The doctors said it was like she was sleeping, and one day soon she was bound to wake up. He was beginning to give up hope. Maybe Whale hadn't gotten the poison out like he said. But Henry couldn't lose hope though maybe she would wake up today. About a hour or so later Regina showed up. She walked completely into the room and smiled over at her son. "Come in and believe me if I wasn't disparate I wouldn't have brought you." She said with a laugh, motioning someone into the room. A guy walks in with curly blonde hair. He didn't answer her instead he ran straight to the bed. "Rachel." He said running a hand across her cheek. "Do what you're here to do, Roxas." Regina demanded. "Please let this work." He mumbled before kissing her. He pulled away and her eyes fluttered open. "Rachel." He said. She wrapped hers arms around his neck and kissed him. He kissed her back passionately. After a few minutes Regina cleared her throat. "There is a child in the room." She said. They ignore her and continue to kiss. "Rachel!" Regina demanded tapping her foot. Rachel jumped pulling away from him. Her heart was beating so fast from fear. She hid her face in Roxas's shoulder. "I'm sorry." She mumbled. "You have nothing to be sorry for, darling, not to her at least." Roxas whispered in her ear. She moved so she was staring right at her mother. "He's right, mother, I have nothing to be sorry for!" She said her voice laced with anger. "You have tormented me for years. So I'm not sorry I kissed the man I love after not seeing him for 32 years.". "Rachel!" Her mother demanded. "I am your mother and you will not talk to me like that and defiantly not in front of your brother.". "I'm sure he knows who you really are." Rachel sneered. "And I stopped considering you my mother when you sent me back to that God forsaken land the second time." She said.


Rachel couldn't believe she was back here again, and two weeks before her own wedding. She was fed up with her mother, and she was so ready to be free of her. The bushes rattled behind her causing her to jump to her feet and turn around. "It's just me, Red." A voice said coming into view. His blonde hair covered by the black cloak but she knew it was there, even though she could only see his eyes. She let out a sigh and hugged him. He held her tight against him. "Hello, Red, it's been awhile. I never thought I'd see you again." He laughed. "I never that I'd see you either, Felix." She said. "You're scared." He observed. "I broke the rules. No ones brakes his rules." She whispered. "And you don't want the child in you to suffer because of it." He said. "How... how did you know?"  She stuttered out. "When Peter was threatening you your hands covered your stomach automatically."  He laughed. "I don't think Pan noticed he was to busy threatening." He said. "Felix, I can't lose this baby." She said quickly. He held her impossibly closer. "Nothing is going to happen to you or this baby." He  promised.


Long time no update and I'm sorry about that, but even though it doesn't look like it I've been working on this crappy chapter for a week and a half.

I'm out for two weeks for Christmas break so I'm going to try and update more.

Also if I don't write ya before Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays

Bye- Izzy

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