Chapter 6

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Rachel walked up the driveway to the farmhouse. Hook told her how to get there. She walked up to the door, and went in. " What if' it's not him?" She thought and made a fireball. She didn't have to look long because he stood right there in the kitchen. His black hood pulled up covering his face. He wasn't facing her so she cleared her throat. He turned to her,  "Red, how nice to see you." He smirked. "I was hoping you'd find me. Now get rid of that thing, love." He said and pointed to the fireball. Rachel put the fire out and sighed. "Roxas." She said. "Yes." He hummed. "You know why I'm here." She stated. "To see me, of course, darling." He grinned. Rachel shook her head. He laughed and took a few steps toward her. "Don't." She said and took a step back. He took another step toward her. "Roxas, I don't want to do this." She said and made a fireball. He took another step, "Do it then, Red." He yelled. She raised her hand, but couldn't seem to do it. She paled. "That's right you that you could withstand the darkness, but you can't. You thought you could save me, but you can't because I thought you were dead." He took another step closing the distance. "That right I thought you were dead so I gave in to the darkness. It was easier to deal with." He put his hands on her waist. Surprised when she didn't move away. "And then thirty-one and a half years later you show up. Now I'm who I'm supposed to be, but when I felt the dark power coming alive I knew it was you. The letters started to glow so I made noise hoping you'd find me, Red. So I don't want Rachel,  I want my Red. My princess, my evil partner, my soulmate, the name carved into my wrist, But Rachel the girl who gave up I don't." He said. "But if you can't see that then I guess you've hurt the ones you love for nothing." He let go of her and turned away. "Roxas." She said softly. He turned to face her. A devilish smile appears on her face. "I give up." She said with the same  smile. Before he could say anything she was hugging him. He opened his mouth to say something when the door burst open. "Rachel, you......." Kate trailed off as she saw her hugging him. "It's to late, little archer, run along home now." Roxas said. Kate shook her head and looked at Hook. "Red dear, get rid of them." Roxas said.  "You got it." She smiled turning toward her friend.


The apprentice frowned at the young girl. "I'm sorry to tell you this, madame, but you have the greatest potential for dark magic." He sighed. Rachel looked at him. "You would be more powerful then the dark one."  He stated sadly. "Oh.... I not sure what to say, Sir." She said . "I could tether you to something." He suggested. "Not a dagger please." She said quickly. "I think I know what we can do. I'll be right back." He got up and returned with Sora. "Where'd you come from?" She asked. "Oh I help him on Fridays." Sora shrugged. "Oh." She smiled. "I'm going to tether you to his dar.." Sora cut him off. "She doesn't know, Sir.". "Oh then, Sora, will you follow me." The apprentice said walking into a small room. Sora shot her a smile then followed him. "I'm going to tether her dark side to yours, Sora, if that's okay with you." He said. "If that  will help her I'm all for it." Sora said. "It'll hurt to do so." The apprentice warned him. "I don't care.". Sora put out his arm, and the apprentice slipped it over. The apprentice grabbed a knife, and wrote the word Red intothe inside of  Sora's wrist. "It's done." He said.


Rachel flicked her hand sending Kate and Hook flying backwards, and shut the door. "Now I believe we're alone." She laughed. She kissed him.


Hey guys,
 it's been awhile. How've you been? 

I know Roxas wasn't that bad or evil, but I needed to show her dark side. And if you think this is moving to fast know He'll only pop up here and there. Also I'm going to start loosely following season 5. That's why the whole more powerful then the dark one thing. 

Are you guys as excited as I am for the the two hour special Sunday?

Anyway please comment, vote, and do whatever. It'd mean a lot to me.

Bye guys - Izzy 


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