Chapter 7

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Rachel sat up quickly gasping for air. "Rachel! Rachel it's okay. You're okay. I'm right here." Kate said calmly. "But Roxas and darknes and...." Rachel started. "Shh, Rach, it was just a bad dream. It's okay now." Kate said running a hand through Rachel's hair. Henry and Roland came running into the room. "Rachel!" Roland laughed and hugged her. She held him tightly. "We're almost there." Henry said. "What the heck!" Kate yelled walking back into the room. She was dressed in a red leather top with a hood, red pants, and a red mask cover her eyes. She quickly untied the mask, and stuck it in her pocket. "I guess we're here." Henry laughed and looked at Rachel. "Look at you." He said. She wore a red and pink dress with a pattern, (Dress in picture up top.), and black flats. She had a cloak laying next to her. "A dress and flats." She whispered with wide eyes. She stood up with Roland on her hip. She spun around, a giant smile on her face. "You always did love your dresses." Kate smiled. Rachel looked up at her best friend and laughed. "Wait where am I and how'd I get here?" She asked confused. "You hit your head in Gold's shop and Kate brought you here to Granny's." Henry explained. "And where is here?" She questioned. She never got an answer because Snow White called for them, or for Henry, Kate, and Roland that is. They slowly made their way out of the room and out the front door. Rachel cringed when she saw her mother next to Robin. "There you are, Roland." Robin said causing Regina to look up. Rachel put down Roland, and started to back up only to be stopped by the one handed pirate. "Don't you think it's time to see her, Tiger?" He whispered into her ear. Rachel shook her head vigorously, and sent him a glare. It was too late Kate had her hands on Rachel's upper arm, "Come on.". They walked behind everyone else as they went to find Emma. She stood in front if a curly red head with her hand in hand. Hook walked up to her and said something. She finally shoved the girl's heart back in, and followed Hook to the rest of them. Rachel was farther away so she didn't hear what Emma had said, but her eyes grew wide as the blonde handed Regina the dagger. Half way back Regina grabbed Rachel's arm tightly. "Let go of me, Mother." She snapped. "What do you think you're doing here?" Her mother questioned. "I think you locked me up for thirty-one years. I think your son, or should I saw my brother let me go." Rachel couldn't help, but laugh at Regina's face. "Now, Mother, if you'd let my arm go.". Before Regina could speak Rachel yanked her arm away, and ran to catch up with the rest.

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