Chapter 12

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Felix looked down at Rachel who sat on a fallen tree. "So does he know?". She nodded looking down at her shoes. He sat down beside her. "Red, you haven't said anything this whole time." He said. "What's wrong, Jones?" He asked concerned. Rachel looked up at him. "It's been three months since Regina left me here. What if I'm stuck here forever, Felix.". "You're going to be fine, Red. What are you sixteen? Seventeen? Someone will come looking for you because they will miss you." He reassured her  with a smile. Rachel laughed, "Your nice, Felix, I turned twenty-four yesterday.". "Twenty-four?" He started laughing. "You know I had a name before all this?" He laughed. "Oh yeah what was it?" Rachel asked. "James."


"Is that him?" Rachel asked her mom pointing to a little boy with blonde curls. Regina nodded, "That's James.". Rachel covered her mouth with her hand as a tear fell. "I had him under a spell so he wouldn't age, but it broke five years ago." Regina smiled. "So I had a friend watch him for me.". Rachel took a couple steps forward. "Does he know who I am?" She asked shakily. "Yes he knows who both of you are." She stated. "Go on now, Rach, I know you want to.". Rachel ran to the little boy and picked him up. "Mommy!" He yelled. "That's right, Baby, I'm here now." Rachel kissed his forehead. "And I'm not leaving." 


Short I know, but I haven't updated since last year. - Izzy

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