Chapter 4

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Rachel glared at Rumplestiltskin, "She's not filthy, and defiantly not as much as you are.". He looked around the girl's room. It was a normal room and everything looked fine, except for her outfit. "And where might we be going, deary?" He asked motioning to her clothes. "Non of your business." Kate hissed from behind Rachel. Rachel smiled and look and the man. "Be gone, or I call Graham to throw you out." She commanded. "Feisty. I like it. It suites you." And with that Rumplestiltskin was gone. Rachel turned to the archer. "Let's go." 


Robin finally stopped in front of a shop, Mr. Gold's Pawn and Broker. (A/N I think that's right) Robin turned to look at the princess. "Here I'll take him." Robin said trying to take Roland. The child only tightened his grip. "I've got him, Hood." Rachel smiled.  As they entered the store, Rachel could here complaining. "Why am I here!" They were saying. "Because you own Rumple a favor, and I can't run this store alone." Someone else said. A man at the counter drummed their figures on it lightly. "Can I get some bloody help out here!" He yelled. A girl came out. "I still don't like this." She yelled to the back. "What do you want, Hook." She said annoyed. Rachel knew the tone and the face. She quickly put Roland down and ran to the counter. "Kate?" Rachel asked. Kate looked up and the princess. "Rachel?" She asked.  Rachel smiled at the huntress, "It's me.". Kate walked around the counter and hugged Rachel tightly. 


The girls arrived outside the Merry men's camp ten minutes later. "Robin!" Kate called. A man- Robin Rachel guessed- walked out from one of the tents. "Kate,  you are fifteen minutes late." He scolded. Robin looked over at Rachel, and shot her a smile. "Who's this?" He asked. "Rachel." Kate answered. "She's helping me with Roland.". Robin nodded, and left the camp. "Shall we start?" Kate asked as she ran off.  Rachel followed after the girl.


"I can't believe you're here!" Kate said. Rachel looked at the girl, "I can't believe you're here." The man at the counter looked between the two. "Tiger?" He asked. "Killian?" Rachel asked. He nodded. Rachel let go of Kate and hugged Hook. "Oh and, Kate, have you seen Sora?" She asked and turned to her friend. "You didn't tell her about him?" Kate asked and looked at Robin. Robin shook his head, "I didn't have the heart to.".


How do Hook and Rachel know each other and who's Tiger? 

And what happened to Sora?

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