Chapter 2

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Henry finally stopped running which Rachel was glad for. "Where are we?" Rachel asked looking at a bunch of stairs. "Just come on." Henry started climbing the stair two at a time. "Wait up!" Rachel laughed. Rachel looked around when they got to the top. There wasn't really anything there, just a door to the side. "Rachel." Henry said trying to get the girl attention. "Yeah?" She answered. Henry was stand by the door. He opened the door, "After you.". Rachel looked around the minute she got in. It was a house, but it looked different from the ones she knew. "Where are we?" She asked as Henry grabbed a cup. "This is where my mom lives." Henry handed her a cup of water. Rachel drank it quickly. "So, Henry, how old are you?" She asked sitting on a round weird seat that had no back. That puzzled her. "13 almost 14." He answered sitting next to her. "How about you?". "I'm not really sure." She thought a minute "16.". The door opened and a blonde headed woman walked in. "Hey, kid. Who's this?" She asked. "This is my friend Rachel, Mom." Henry answered. Henry looked at Rachel, "Rachel, this is my mom Emma.". Rachel waved. A black haired lady walked in to the room. This was no lady it was the "Evil Queen" Regina. Rachel jumped slightly. The lady wasn't looking at her though, she was arguing with the blonde. "Hurry go to the bathroom." Henry whispered pointing to a door next to the kitchen. Rachel nodded and quickly left. "So how was the Wicked Witch, Henry?" Regina asked. "Zelena! I forgot about Zelena when I found Rachel." Henry thought. "She's fine and still pregnant." Henry lied. "Good. Now, Miss Swan, if you'd come with me." Regina smiled. As soon as they left Henry ran over to where Rachel was. "Okay it's clear. Come on out.". Rachel came out slowly. "She didn't hurt you." Rachel said. "Come on." Henry starting walking up the stairs.


"Sora? Sora where are you?" Rachel yelled looking around. "Be careful, Rach, the Heartless might get you." Sora whispered from behind her. Rachel turned around slowly. "Sora." She hugged him. "It's okay, Rachel, I was joking you." Sora sighed

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