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I basically mean, why advertise your book on other people's stories and profiles etc?

This is one of the main things that gets to me on this site, can you people not see how rude it is to comment on someones story saying "this is just like my book 'BLAH BLAH NO-ONE GIVES TWO SHITS'" or "read my book 'I'M AN IGNORANT FUCK'" etc.

I was looking down my newsfeed today and I saw three people who have had to tell people not to advertise their books on their stories. IT'S RIDICULOUS! If your book doesn't have many reads it's probably because no-one wants to read it! DO NOT SPAM OTHER PEOPLE'S WORK just because it has a lot of reads and is actually decent.

Here's an idea... write a good ORIGINAL story and people will read it, don't use other people's stories to get more readers. FOR THE SAKE OF HUMANITY PLEASE STOP!!!!


I'm sorry if you were expecting a more significant chapter but I just had to vent out that frustration.

I'm going to start exams on Monday so I'm sorry for the slow updates but in a month I'll be back fully, I promise :).

Lots of Love and Jelly-tots,

Chloe xx

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