Breakfast Fit for Queens

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'Did nothing ever change here?' Max had a postcard of the diner she had kept as a memento of home. The photo it featured could have been taken only yesterday. 'I wonder if Joyce still works here. That would be great. Her cooking was the best!' thought Max.

"This place looks nice Max. I'm glad you're here to show me around. I'd be lost without you."

"It used to be my favourite. It doesn't seem any different from the outside. I vote we go inside and see if the food is still the best in town. After you, Kate."

"Max Caulfield! I can't believe it's really you! How are you doing, Max?"

"Joyce! It's lovely to see you. I wasn't sure if you'd still be here after all this time."

"I can never leave. The fishermen have threatened to riot if my home cooking goes off the menu."

"I can see why. You're the best cook ever, Joyce. You haven't changed a bit. You look the same - just as pretty as ever."

"Now you stop flattering me young lady. When I'm as pretty as you I'll have something to boast about. I see you've bought a friend..."

"Oh, sorry. This is Kate, from the academy. We're both new there."

"Hello. It's very nice to meet you Mrs Price."

"Please, you can call me Joyce. Now let's get down to the nitty-gritty. Why don't you two lovely ladies take a seat, and we'll see about filling those bellies?" Joyce went to get the coffee pot from behind the counter.

"She seems very nice. How do you know her?"

"That's Chloe's mom. She's wonderful. She's sorta like a mom to me as well."

"I can see that. You and Chloe must have been really close."

"Yeah. We...were. Erm."

"I apologise if I've raked over raw wounds. That was insensitive of me. But don't be too down. You'll be best friends again in time." The magical smile returned.

They took a booth and Max chose the seat with her back to the lighthouse. She still found the sight of it slightly disconcerting. Kate sat opposite, idly perusing what was on offer.

Joyce returned with two cups and a fresh pot of coffee. "Here you go girls. Now what'll it be?"

"I'll have the Morning Glory Waffle please." said Kate.

"Eggs and bacon all the way. The last good bacon omelette I had was here when I was thirteen years old. So bring it on." said Max, rubbing her stomach.

"Why did I even bother asking you Max? You never wanted anything else." said Joyce, grinning. "Let me get your food, then we can catch up properly."

Joyce spoke with her colleague, before returning with their plates. "Voilà! Breakfast fit for queens. There's plenty more where that came from girls, so dig in. I'm not letting you leave here until you're both full to the brim."

The aroma wafting up from the plate was gorgeous. Max realised that she was ravenous with hunger. She hadn't eaten anything at all since yesterday morning. She attacked the omelette as if it were going to run off her plate the first chance it got. "Whoa! Easy there tiger! Watch you don't chew off your fingers as well." Joyce exclaimed, laughing as she took a seat opposite Max. Kate was grinning too.

"Ooops. Sorry, I just missed your cooking so much. It's even better than it used to be."

"I'm real glad to hear that. Anyway, how come you're back in Arcadia Bay? I thought we'd never see you again."

" I came back to see Chloe. I feel really bad for not staying in touch and stuff. I was hoping to meet her and explain. Besides, I made her a promise. I promised her I would come back."

"She's never said anything about any 'promise'. You two and your secrets. It's good that you're here. Maybe you can be a good influence in her life now. She definitely needs one. You'll have to pop round. Chloe didn't come home last night. Causing chaos somewhere, you might be sure. But I can have a word with her and arrange something. A grand home-coming for SuperMax. You never know, if you hang around long enough she'll probably land here. She's always on the lookout for a free meal, is Chloe. I'm surprised she isn't here already."

"I'd love to be back with her just like we used to be Joyce, but I don't think that's really an option now."

"Why on earth not? You two were inseparable."

"Yes, we were. I, um, called at the house yesterday. It went awful bad. I'm fairly sure that Chloe doesn't want me as a friend any more."

"That was you? David mentioned she had a visitor. He told me that Chloe swore at you. I'm sorry Max."

"There's no need to apologise Joyce. I fully deserved it. I knew things were hard for you and Chloe. I feel bad I couldn't call. Now my folks are in Seattle and I'm all alone at Blackwell. It's my karma."

"Nonsense! You're such a sweet girl. I'm sure you had your reasons for not calling. And it wasn't your decision to leave. I know that you wished to stay here with Chloe. But you couldn't so you moved forward with your life. So did I after William passed on. It wasn't easy, but I got there eventually. The pain has never gone away. I just made room for it. Chloe...Chloe chose to stay angry. Oh, she hit all the phases – expulsion, running away, drugs, bad boys, tattoos, piercings, blue hair. Now she's got to rebel against her stepfather. Anyway, I'll talk to her. I know my daughter. She'll come around. I hope we see more of you. Chloe needs her old friend again."

"She's not the only one, Joyce. I need Chloe too. She's the only reason I came back here at all. I have never missed anyone so much as I miss her. Sorry, I'm getting all mushy."

"It's not mushy if it's true, Max. I know you're hurting, sweetheart. You both are. But don't underestimate me. I'm not going to just stand idly by and watch you two drift apart like this. I'll do whatever it takes. I just want us all to be a family. I guess...I guess it's all about time."

"I think you're right Joyce...oh Kate, what must you think of us?"

"It's fine. I don't wish to intrude. You two have a lot of catching up to do. It's not a problem at all." The sun burst in the diner as Kate smiled at Max and Joyce.

"Well, aren't you just delightful? I'd like to see more of you too, Kate. Any friend of Max's is a friend of mine."

"Thank you Joyce. You're a treasure." Beam. Max could see Joyce practically melting under the sheer power of that smile. 'So it's not just me then...'

"I have to get back to work now, but here's our phone numbers. Scribble yours down as well. And don't be a stranger, you hear? Either of you."

Max wrote down her details on Joyce's order pad. "I've got this, Joyce. I'm treating Kate to breakfast."

"No you're not. This is my treat to you for coming back to rescue my daughter."

"I'll try Joyce. I promise."

"I know you will, Sweetpea. I know you will."

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