Thankful for the Smallest of Things

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"Back so soon, dear? And by yourself? What happened? Was she not there or something?"

"Yes dear. She was there. She refused to come. She said that she was very grateful for the offer, but didn't wish to impose. I told her that it wouldn't be an imposition at all, but she was adamant, I'm afraid."

"Well that's a shame. But I understand why she would feel that way. Still, it bothers me that she's sitting there all alone, especially today of all days. The poor woman."

"It bothers me too. I said that we would save her some food and I would bring it to her after dinner. Is that okay with you, love?"

"Of course it is dear. I'll put something aside for her. I'd best get back to it. Our guests are due to arrive any minute."

"Alright. Thanks love." said William as Joyce retreated back into the kitchen. The sound of a door opening came from upstairs, swiftly followed by the hollow thudding of small but nimble feet striking the carpeted steps as their owner descended.

"Awwww. I thought they were here already. But it's only you, Daddy."

"'Only me'? Charming! I love you too, Princess."

"I didn't mean...I know what I meant..."

"Relax, Chloe. I'm merely teasing you."

The small girl playfully shoved her father backwards with both hands.

"Well don't! That's mean! And you're not allowed to be mean, especially to me."

"Oh. I see. I'm not permitted to tease you, but you're allowed to do it to me any time you feel like it? Is that how things are?"

"Yup. Exactly. I'm the boss, don'tcha know?"

"Really? Says who?"

"Says me. What I say goes. My word is law."

"I see. At least your mom and I know where we stand, then, don't we? I must say that's some rather circular logic you have there, young lady."

"Huh? What?"

"I're the boss merely because you say you are? No votes or anything like that? Don't your mom and I get a say? I had no idea that we were labouring under your oppressive dictatorship, General Secretary Pol Pot Price. You're very young to be holding such a lofty position of authority, you know."

"No I'm not! I'm four. I'm a big girl now."

"Well, you certainly have a big personality, that's for sure. Everyone notices when you enter a room."

"Good. One day I'm gonna be famous and make the world bow. Just you wait and see."

"I don't know whether the world's ready for you yet, Princess. Maybe you're just too much awesomeness for it."

"Yep! That's right! I am awesome!"

"No argument here, baby girl."

"I'm not a baby!"

"You'll always be our baby, Princess, no matter how big or famous you get."

"That's sooooo not fair."

"When you have children of your own, you will understand what I mean."

"Ew Daddy! I'm not letting any smelly boy give me one of those 'magic kisses' like the one Mom told me you two did to get me. Boys are yucky and gross. So is kissing. Bleeargh!"

"Is that so? We'll see if you still say that when you get older."

"Yep, I will. Never, ever kissing a boy. Anyways, who were you talking about when I came down? Put something by for who?"

"You never miss anything, do you? We were talking about Elanor, the homeless lady from town. She has no family, and is all alone in the world."

"The scary lady with the dirty clothes?"

"Scary? Elanor? She's not scary at all, Chloe. In fact she's really nice, and speaks very highly of you."

"Well, she looks scary. I see her watching me from the alley when we walk past. I don't like it."

"There is a major difference between watching someone and watching over them, Princess. You don't need to be scared of Elanor. She will never hurt you. I promise you that. Cross my heart and hope to d..."

The sound of the doorbell cut William off mid-word.

"She's here! She's here! Daddy, they came!"

"My my! Someone certainly seems to have made quite the impression upon you. Hasn't she, Princess?"

"'Quite the impression'? Wossat mean? Is that another one from that Mister Shaky Spear?"

William laughed loudly. "No, that one was one hundred percent mine."

"I wanna open the door to them, Daddy."

"Go ahead. Be my guest, milady. Thou hast the helm."

"You are so silly."

"You'll be grateful for that someday."

Chloe greeted the visitors.

"Hi. Come on in. Dinner's nearly ready."

"Hello Chloe." said Ryan warmly.

"Hello. Max, stop hanging back. Come here." Vanessa said, turning her head to face her daughter behind her. "There's no need to be shy."

The diminutive figure of the young girl walked slowly towards the open door.

"Come on slowpoke! The food will be cold soon if you don't hurry."

Max's face lit up at the sound of the older girl's voice, her smile beaming out like the sun.

"Ullo Chloe."

Chloe rushed forward and wrapped her friend in a tight bear hug. "C'mere you. I wanna hug."

"Umpf! Gerroffme! Chloeeee!" Max squealed between giggles.

"Uhuh. No way Jose. You're just too snuggly and adorbs, like a little teddy bear. I'm never letting you go."

"Well, I guess we know what Chloe's thankful for today, don't we now? She hasn't stopped talking about you all week, Max Sparrow."

"It's been the same thing at our house too, Bill. Chloe this, Chloe that. 'I wanna go see Chloe.' 'Let's go to Chloe's house.' 'C'n we call her on the phone?' 'Will Chloe be at the diner t'day?' 'C'n we go see her? Please Daddy.' I've never heard Max talk as much as she's done this week. We couldn't get a word in. A real everyday chatterbox, she's been. I think if we hadn't come here today our dear daughter would have utterly disowned us without a moment's hesitation."

"That would have been all four of us then, I suspect. Is there a support group somewhere for parents who have been divorced by their children?" joked William.

"I don't believe so. I guess we'll have to form our own. Lovely garden you have, by the way." Ryan replied.

"Thanks. I do enjoy nurturing and caring for my plants. I'll have to show you out the back..."

"Bill! Stop talking their ears off and let them come in and sit down. I'm almost ready to serve." Joyce called through from the kitchen.

"Perfect timing. Hey Max?" Ryan asked his daughter.

"Yup. Smells real yummy. 'm soooooo 'ungry..."

"Aren't you always, Munchkin? Best let go of her now, Chloe. She may well start gnawing on you if you're not careful."

"She could try. I'd tickle her if she did."

"Uhoh. Chloe's dreaded 'tickle-torture'. Max is far too small for that, Chloe."

"I know, Daddy. I wouldn't really. I was just teasing."

William waved his hand towards the dining area. "Please. Take a seat. Sit anywhere you like. We don't stand on ceremony here."

Chloe grabbed Max by the hand and led her towards the couch. "You wanna sit next to me on the couch? I saved you a spot."

"'kay. Super." Max replied, smiling happily.

"Best Thanksgiving ever!" exclaimed Chloe.

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