The Last Straw

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Chloe slammed the front door violently and bounded the stairs three at a time. She reached her bed and collapsed upon it, burying her head in the pillow.

"Chloe? Is that you? What's going on? Are you okay? Is everything alright?"

"Fuck off! Just leave me the hell alone! Don't you dare come up here. I fucking mean it."

"This is my home now too."

"No it fucking isn't. Just because Mom dragged you in here doesn't give you the goddamn right to do whatever the fuck you like. This is my dad's house, not yours. You got that, dickhead? This isn't fucking boot camp. Stop treating me and my mom like your family platoon. Go back to the fucking military and order them around. I'm sick of you and your bullshit. I wish you'd leave. Like now."

"I'm not going anywhere. And I'm sick of your disrespect. I know I'm not your father and I am far from perfect. But I'm trying. I really am. I only want to help."

"Get fucked! The only thing you're trying to do is make my life a total fucking misery. Well here's a newsflash, asshole – you did it. You succeeded. Well fucking done! Go and collect your medal...I said don't fucking come up here. I want to be on my own. Get the fuck out of my room, pervert!"

"What did you just call me?"

"You fucking heard me. Is that what you're here for? To see if you can catch a glimpse of me changing or something so you can take a sneak peek? What's the matter? Screwing my mom not good enough for you? You want a piece of me as well? Is that it, sleazeball? Fuck you asshole. I only fuck girls. How'd you like them apples you bigoted, lesbian-hating prick? And even if I did go for men, I wouldn't even look twice at you, douchebag. Now get the fuck out of my room before I call the cops and have you busted."

"Chloe, I'm going to pretend you never said that. That was a terrible, hurtful and despicable thing to say. Why would you even say such a thing?"

"Because I fucking hate you. The very sight of you makes me want to vomit. I want you gone. Forever. I'd do anything to get you the fuck out of here. I've a good mind to go to the fucking cops right now and tell them that you tried to rape me. You'd be out of here so fucking fast your feet wouldn't even touch the floor."

"Jesus Chloe, this has got to stop. I didn't come up here to fight with you. I actually came up here to see if you were alright. All you seem to want to do is fight. You want to fight the whole world. It doesn't have to be this way. I don't want to do this any more. I know you think I'm your enemy, but I'm not. Please believe me."

"Just stop fucking pretending that you give a rat's ass about me. Mom might not see right through your bullshit, but I do. All you fucking care about is screwing my mom and eating her meals. If you don't want to fight, then get the fuck out of my room. Get out of our house. Nobody forced you to come up here. Go back to taking over my dad's garage. I swear to fuck if you ever so much as touch any of his stuff down there I'll torch your crappy fucking car and blow it sky-high. You hear me scumbag? Did I ever ask you for your fucking help? Did I? Ever?"

"You never ask anyone for help, Chloe. Not your mom. Not me. You even told Principal Wells to shove it when he offered to help you. There are so many people that are here for you, but all you do is spit in their faces. Please let us be there for you. Your life can be so much better. Why are you punishing yourself like this? You are a beautiful and intelligent young lady with tremendous potential. I know you won't believe me when I say this, but I believe in you. I really do Chloe."

"My life can be better? Are you fucking serious? My dad is dead! Stone...cold...fucking...dead! He is never coming back! Not ever! My mom is more interested in you than she is me. I told her that it was either me or you, and she fucking chose you. What sort of fucking parent chooses some random asshole who she met in a goddamn shitty diner over their own daughter? Even my own mother couldn't give a fuck about me. And you expect me to believe that you do? For crying out fucking loud! There is only one person left in the whole world that I love, and they're two hundred fucking miles away. She's dumped me, just like everyone else has in my fucked up waste of a life. The only people that don't dump me are the fucking cunts I want out of my life. Dicks like you."

"Please Chloe, don't talk like that. At least you still have Rachel."

"WHAT? What did you just fucking say? How dare you even mention her name to me, you homophobic asshole! Do you think I've forgotten what you said about me and her? You really are something fucking else! Get out. Just get the fuck out. Now."

"Listen, Chloe, I'm sorry about that..."

"No, you listen. Me and Rachel are done. Finished. It's all over. As of just fucking now. So feel free to go and crack open the fucking champagne and celebrate. Why don't you put up some banners and throw a goddamn party? Call all your friends and get wasted. I'm all alone yet again. I have no one. Nobody. I have absolutely nothing left to live for. All I want to do now is curl up and die. I've had enough. I just want everything to end. I can't do it any more. But at least I'm not screwing girls, eh? At least you're happy. Remember that when you're at my funeral. Tell that to my mom as she's crying over my casket. I'm sure it'll make her fucking day!"

"I was wrong Chloe. I realise that no..."

"I couldn't care fucking less. Nothing matters any more. Just go. Leave me the hell alone and let me rot to death. I swear to god if you don't get out of my goddamn bedroom right fucking now I'm going to go down those stairs, into my dad's garage, smash open your Rambo cabinet, take out the biggest gun I can find, put it in my mouth, and blow my fucking worthless brains out. And if you so much as even try to stop me, I'll fucking take you with me as well."



Chloe threw her phone at him, missing his head by mere inches. It shattered to pieces upon the door frame. She curled up into tightly into a ball and sobbed violently.

"Alright Chloe. I'm going. I'm sorry. About everything. Your mom should be back soon. We'll let you know when it's time to eat."

David closed the bedroom door softly and entered the bathroom. He splashed some cold water on his face and stared at his own reflection. Tears started to form in his eyes.

'I'm trying. I really am. But I just don't know what to do. Nothing works. It's not me that she needs. I can't help her, no matter how much I try to. I so wish I could. Chloe's not worthless. It's me that's worthless. I'm useless. A complete and utter failure.' He began to speak softly into the mirror. "I don't know whether you can hear me, but she really needs you. Bill, I wish you were still here for her."

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