The Golden Hour

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"Holy shit, this is hella good gear Frank! I'll be flying soon."

"Yep. It's a great batch. The last one wasn't so clever so I, ahem, 'complained'. The price I pay for it, I want the fucking best. That's one jerk who won't be screwing me over again any time soon. Four-eyed prick learnt not to fuck with me."

"I don't want to know who. I have enough shit on my plate."

"Nope, you don't. No names, no pack-drill. Knowledge can be a dangerous thing. I wouldn't do that to you."

"Cool. Did you sort things out with Laura?"

"Yeah. We're all good now. I just dropped some stuff off at her room. It went very well, even if it did cost me. Apparently, I have to take her on a fancy night out." said Frank with a smirk.

"Hoorah, Franky boy! You dawg! I'd best keep my eyes on you. You'll be sniffing around Rachel next. Touch her and I'll neuter you."

"I'm the one with the knife, remember? But don't worry, you're safe. She's not my type and I wouldn't do that to you. You're a real good friend to me."

"I know. Awesome, aren't I? Jesus Frank! My head is in the clouds. I'd be careful with the nerds at Blackwell – I don't think they'll be able to handle this shit. Fuck me it's potent!"

"Yeah. I'm supposed to be lying low, and things at Blackwell are getting out of hand. Way too many customers now. All it takes is one idiot with a big mouth and I'm up shit creek without a paddle. I don't know what to do. I could do with a middle-man, but I don't know who I can trust."

"What about a middle-woman? You trust me, right?"

"I've thought about it, Chloe, but you get enough shit off your stepdouche as it is. I don't want to cause any more trouble for you."

"It's cool. He won't find out, and I'll have the satisfaction of knowing that I'm getting one over on him every single fucking day. I can't really keep anything at home, but I can pick some up from you regular and then distribute it to the dorks. Even if I get busted, I won't get too much grief – not if I'm related to a member of Blackwell security. Stepshit will not want me in the hands of the local police. If I do get caught, I tell him fuck all. All he can do is take what I'm carrying. No biggy."

"Hmmm. I guess it could work out. But if things get too hot, make sure you quit, okay? I won't mind."

"Sure. So what are we talking here? I wanna cut."

"Obviously. Ten percent?"

"Fuck you. Thirty."

"Yeah, that's not happening. Fifteen."

"Twenty? It's easier to work out than fifteen."

"I was so right when I named you 'Bulldog'. Okay, twenty it is."

"Cool. Deal. We'll sort things out some more when I'm a bit less blazed."

"Fuck, I wish they'd hurry up getting rid of those whales. I bet they stink to high heaven, and I don't want Pompidou to start chowing down on them."

"Whaddya reckon Pompidou, could you manage to eat a whole whale? I bet you could, no problem." The dog turned at the sound of his name and leapt into Chloe's lap, trying his best to slobber all over her face. "Gerroff me! Lemme go, roughneck! Pompidou! What the fuck dude? My make-up! Get the fuck off!" said Chloe, giggling loudly.

"He really likes you." laughed Frank.

"Who doesn't? Like I said - I'm freakin' awesome."

"C'mere boy. Leave her alone." Frank gestured the dog over to him. Pompidou curled up on his knee and settled down for a dognap. "Chloe, can I ask you for a favour?"

"No. I've told you before - I'm a girl's girl. Suck the mangy thing yourself."

"I wouldn't even if I could – I know where it's been."

"You are just so gross."

"So I've been told. Anyway, can you look after Pompidou for me tonight? Please?"

"Of course I will. But what's the matter?"

"I have a meet later, and I don't know how long I'll be gone. I don't want to take him with me in case things go south. I know he'd be safe with you."

"Sure. You really love that dog, don't you?"

"Yep. He's my best bud. Aren't you boy?" Frank stroked Pompidou behind the ear.

"Why would things go south? I can come with you. I do have a gun now."

"Thanks, but I'm not putting you at any risk either. I like you. Not as much as I do Pompidou, but I don't want to see you come to any harm. Besides, I have to do this alone. I'm probably being over-cautious. It's more than likely going to be fine. But just in case, you know?"

"Alright. Me and Pompy will have lots of fun. I'll take him into the garage and he can chew all of Stepcrack's crap to his heart's content."

"Thanks Chloe."

"No problem dude."


"What do you think?"

Frank reached down into the ice box and cracked opened two bottles, passing one to Chloe.

"Thanks man."

Frank took a swig and stared out at the ocean. "No worries. I don't know whether it's the weed, but this sunlight looks really awesome somehow."

"It's not the weed. This is seriously the best view of the sunset. Photographers call it 'The Golden Hour'. It truly is amazingly beautiful."

"Listen to you! Without you here I'd have no clue. How come you know shit like that?"

" to hang out with a photographer." Chloe bowed her head and a single tear caught the dying rays of the sun as it slowly trickled down her face.

"Hey Bulldog, you okay? You never cry. What's up?"

She wiped away the lonely, golden tear. "Nothing. I'm fine. Let's spark up again. I think I need another."

"On it girl. I got this. So, you wanna talk about it?"

"Nah, but thanks man. I'd just be raking over old wounds. I think it's better to just try and forget."

"Cool. But you can always chill with me if the world gets too much. This is our beach. Right now, we are the King and Queen of Arcadia Bay. We are indeed awesome. Here's to us."

They bought their bottles together.

"Keelah se'lai."

"Cheers. What the fuck is 'keelah se'lai'? Are you that high that you're spouting gibberish? Or did you suddenly learn French or something, genius?"

Chloe laughed. "The only French I know is of the kissing variety. Shit, my nose is getting cold." Chloe pulled out her beanie from her pocket and placed it on her head.

"Keelah se'lai to you too, Queen Bulldog."

"Keelah se'lai, King Frank."

The two friends relaxed on the deckchairs with their feet up watching the sun slowly sink below the horizon. They were silent now. The only sounds were the whispering of the sea, the raucous cries of the gulls and the clinking of the chain ropes of the fence swaying in the gentle breeze.

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