Trailer Trash

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"Chaos Theory is the study of complex mathematical systems and their dependence upon an underlying order. Minute variations in complex systems can lead to truly massive changes. Can anyone give me an example?"

"Weather patterns, Mrs Terry."

"Very good Laura. Yes indeed, weather patterns are a perfect example. Outcomes that appear totally random are in fact not so at all, but rather the result of deterministic equations. Now, who do many people consider to be father of Chaos Theory?"

"Anyone? No? His name was Jules Henri Poincare, a French philosopher, scientist and mathematician. During his work with Newton's three body problem he became the first person to discover a chaotic deterministic system. As you may be aware, another commonly used term for Chaos Theory is 'The Butterfly Effect'. Can anyone tell me who first coined the phra...CHLOE PRICE! DO NOT use your phone during my lesson! Now, perhaps you can answer the question."

"What question?"

"If you had been listening you would know, wouldn't you? Who was the father of the phrase 'Butterfly Effect'?"

"You're asking me? How in the hell would I know shit like that?"

"Don't use such language in my class. Let's ask your partner in crime then, shall we? Rachel?"

"I dunno. Some nerdy scientist dude probably." The two girls shared their trademark handshake.

"Not the answer I was looking for. His name was Edward Norton Lorenz, born in Connecticut in 1917. He went on to become a renowned professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Techno..."

The bell rang.

"We'll continue next time. Don't forget that your assignments are also due in tomorrow. Yes, I am talking to you two ladies specifically."

"Yeah, whatever. We're outta here. Laters."

"So girlfriend, what's our plan for today? Shall we go chill on the beach?" suggested Chloe with a wink.

"Hell yeah! I'd love to, but I have to go and get grief from Wells first. I was a bad girl yesterday, remember?" said Rachel, putting her arm around Chloe's waist.

"You're always a bad girl. When you're done I'll show you just how bad this girl can be."

"Mmmmmm. Is that a promise?" said Rachel as she sidled in closer to her lover.

"Definitely. Here. Have a taste of things to come." whispered Chloe as she placed her hands on Rachel's hips before moving in to kiss her.

"Miss Amber. You have an appointment with me, do you not? Now, please. Miss Price, lessons are over for the day. You may make your way outside. Thank you."

"We'll finish this off when I'm done here."

"Damn right we will. I'll wait out front for you. Laters Angel."

"Tonight I'll be your devil."

Chloe left the foyer feeling on top of the world. For the first time since her dad had gone, she was starting to feel like life was actually worth living. She very nearly skipped down the steps to car lot.

"Man, you look super blazed."

"Hey Justin. Not yet I'm not. Just super-chilled. How's it hangin'?"

"Cool cool. You wanna spark up?"

"Later. I need a small favour first."


"This guy you get your weed off..."

"Frank? What about him?"

"I wanna meet up with him."


"Never you mind. Look, you owe me big-time. So are you going to tell me where he's lurking or do I have to bust your ass?"

"Alright, alright. Chill out Chloe. He's over by the dorms. I just left him. Trailer trash with a goatee. You can't miss him. But be careful. He can be quite jumpy, especially when he's at Blackwell. He's not on great terms with the security here, obviously. I should come with you and do the introductions, just in case."

"Nah man. Thanks, but it's all cool. In a while, crocodile."

As Chloe walked past the fountain she could see Wells at his window, clearly delivering one of his lectures to Rachel over his shoulder. Chloe had been there herself many times. 'Never mind Rach, I'll make you forget all about it when you're out of there.'

"You Frank?"

"No. Keep walking girly."

"Cut the crap. I know you are. I just want to talk with you, that's all."

"So what if I am? I don't sell gear. I'm just a grunt at the lumber mill. I work for a living, not like you spoiled Blackwell punks with too much time on your hands. Now fuck off and leave me alone."

Chloe quickly moved towards him in a threatening manner and spoke in a low, menacing tone. "Listen up dickshit. I ain't here for pot. I already get that from you, anyways. Do I look like the rest of the nerds here? I'm sure as hell no fuckin' cop. I have some information for you. I'm here to do you a favour. Now are you going to quit the tough guy shit and listen to what I have to say?"

"You've got some serious ladyballs, little girl. Okay, fine. But you'd best not be wasting my time or..."

"I'm not. Now shut the fuck up and pin your ears back. There's a security guard works here – Madsen. He's a total asshole. He's knows what you're doing here and he's tailing you. You need to be careful."

"Let's suppose I believe you, which I don't..."

"Here." Chloe handed him several photographs. Frank flipped through them.

"What in the fu..."

"Believe me now? The last one is a picture of him, so that you know what he looks like."

"Where did you get these? How'd you know all this? And why in the hell are you telling me?"

"He's the fucker my mom glommed onto after my dad died. I hate the son of a bitch. He's a major jerk. So any chance I get to fuck his shit up, I seize it with both hands. That good enough for you?"

"Er, yeah. Thanks, I guess."

"No problem. Are we cool now?"

"Yeah, sure. Look, I'm sorry about..."

"It's alright. Forget about it. I sorta expected something like that. You do have quite a reputation." She saw Rachel walking towards them. "I've gotta bail. See you around Frank."

"Yeah, bye..."


'Fuck! She's a bit of a bulldog.' thought Frank as he watched the two girls stroll away in the evening sunlight, arm-in-arm and laughing happily.

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