Little Miss Tearaway

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"Chloe! Thank the heavens!" said Joyce, rushing over to the bed and embracing her daughter.

"Hi Mom. Did you miss me?" said Chloe, sporting her trademark cheesy grin.

"Well, you're definitely still you, that's for sure." Joyce showered her with kisses. "I love you so much Princess. Don't ever scare me like that again. If anything ever happened to you I'd..."

"I love you too, Mom."

Joyce instantly froze. Then she folded into the chair behind her, her hands shielding her face from view.


"I'm okay." Joyce wiped tears from her eyes. Max silently passed her the box of tissues. "Thanks Munchkin. Chloe, you haven't said that to me in years. I thought I'd never hear you say those words to me ever again."

"I'm sorry Mom. I've not been the greatest daughter in the world, I know that. But I really do love you. Heaps. I'm know, not really all that good when it comes to mushy crap. You know me."

"Yes. Yes I do Pumpkin." Joyce kissed her hand tenderly.

"I'm prepared to let that one slide, considering the circumstances, but I'd much prefer it if you didn't call me that when I'm at the diner. I do have my street cred to consider, you know." said Chloe, smiling happily.

"I'll call you what I like, when I like, and where I like. Anyway, what happened to you? How did you end up there?"

"Your guess is as good as mine, Mom. I can't remember a thing. I remember...Max coming to the house. I know I drove off after that, but after that there's nothing. I don't even know who found me yet. Nor where, come to that. I was hoping that some of you could fill in the blanks for me." Chloe had already decided to tell no one about her suicide attempt. 'After all, I did jump off a cliff and survive without so much as a scratch. I should be stone cold dead - no two ways about it. It just wasn't possible for anyone to survive that fall, let alone escape totally unharmed. Then there was all that insane shit afterwards. How could I possibly explain any of this to a soul? They'd have me banged up in an asylum. Nope. This is another secret I'm going to have to keep to myself. Life is never simple, is it?'

"Anderson spotted your truck in the car lot at the lighthouse. The door was swinging open and the keys still inside. He found you on top of the hill passed out on the ground."

"I s'pose I owe him a 'thank you'. Where's my truck?"

"It's back at the house. Anderson bought it back for us. You owe him a lot more than a 'thank you'. If he hadn't had found you when he did..."

"Yeah, I guess you're right. I'll think of something when I get out of here."

"Perhaps you could thank him by reducing his workload a little. I'm sure he'd appreciate that. Just a suggestion, Little Miss Tearaway."

"Yeah yeah. But what would he do with himself then? He'd be unemployed. I'm performing a public service by keeping him in a job. I should get an award or something."

"Oh, you'll get something for definite, young lady. The back of my hand for starters." said Joyce, smiling affectionately.

"Gee, thanks a bunch Mom. Hit me when I'm down, why don't you? Speaking of which, I still feel like shit. I'd love to get some more shuteye. I'm beat. I don't mean to kick you out or anything, but..."

"Okay okay, I know when I'm not wanted. I'm tired myself, and I'll sleep a lot better knowing you're awake and kicking. I'll be just down the corridor if you need me. I'll leave you in the excellent care of Max and Debbie."

"Actually you should go and get some proper rest as well Maxacoco. You must be dead on your feet. I'll be fine."

"I can stay. It's not a problem, honestly."

"That's an order from your Cap'n Chloe. I'll ring you later. I'll be cool here. I have Debbie to cater to my every whim - my own personal minion. Don't worry."

"Well, if you're sure..." Max looked completely crestfallen. Chloe was having a real hard time looking at her. But she couldn't deal with the Max situation at the moment. 'I need time to think. I need her away from me for a while, even if it does upset her. I'm sorry Max, but I've just gotta sort my head out.' They took turns with the kisses and hugs.

"G'nite Princess. I love you."

"Bye Chloe. Don't forget to ring me."

"I won't. Promise. Night Max. Night Mom. Love you both to bits. Now go and get some decent sleep or I'll start throwing stuff at you. Go!"

Debbie said goodbye to the pair and closed the door quietly. She turned and gave Chloe a knowing look.

"I know. I know. You don't have to say a word."

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