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"Quick! Let's go wave to Dad from my window. He'll be waiting for us. Race you slowpoke."

"Hey! You cheated again! You always do that. You're horrible to me."

The two girls waved at William. He waved back with one hand, opening the car door with the other. He blew them both a kiss each, which was returned. He mouthed 'I love you.' before entering the vehicle and backing out of the drive and leaving down the avenue.

"Horrible? I so am not. One day you'll realise just how good I am for you. If I didn't take you out of your comfort zone you'd just rot away in your pit of shyness. I'm not having that. Okay, so you're not Miss Outgoing 2008, but you're Maxine Caulfield. And you're amazing. Put yourself out there. The world needs to know how awesome you are. Make the world bow. I'll be with you all the way."

"You're the awesome half of this outfit, not me. I'm just your sidekick. I think it's you who's going to make the world bow. I'd just feel silly if anyone bowed to me."

"Screw all of that. Maxo, you're the greatest person there ever was. I am so lucky to have you as my best friend. Without you to keep me in line, I'd probably be dead or something already. You're the brains of this outfit, O Wise One. We make a great team. Team Pricefield."

"If I'm that great, how come you get first billing, eh, Price?"

"Because it just sounds better that way around. 'FieldPrice' or 'CaulPrice' just sound so crap."

"Yeah, I suppose they do."

"'Pricefield' for the win, then? Agreed?"

"Aye aye Cap'n. Sounds good."

"Cool. And I have the very mission for our newly-named team – we'll sneak out of the window tonight and TP that weirdo's house."

"Who? What weirdo?"

"That Samuel dude – the guy that always feeds the squirrels."

"Hey! I like him. Yeah, he's a little eccentric, sure, but he's nice. He talks to me sometimes, and he's really friendly. He lets me feed the squirrels with him. And he always waves when I pass by. I don't want to do anything to his house, Chloe. Leave him alone."

"Fine, fine. So who then?"

"I dunno. I'm not really into being nasty to people. It's bad karma."

"It's only a bit of paper. Chill. We're not going to blow their door off with an improvised explosive or anything."

"I know, but it's still not a nice thing to do."

"Got it! That drop-out with the RV at the beach. We'll just have to be careful about his dog – distract it with a bone or something."

"He's scary, Chloe. No way!"

"You are such a nervous Nellie. What do you think he's going to do? Shoot us? Seriously dude, stop being so afraid of everything."

"I can't help it. That's just how I am. Can't we do someone else? Please?"

Chloe sighed. "Alright Wussypussy, you pick a target."

"Um...what about Mrs Hoida's house? She lives real close and she won't tear us a new one if she catches us."

"Sure. I already have the ammo stashed away. We're all good. Our English teacher it is, then."

"And if we get caught like we did that one time, don't stay with me again. You can run a lot faster than I can. Both of us don't need to get in trouble."

"You what! Are you cereal? Max, would you ever leave me?"

"Of course I wouldn't. Not ever."

"Well, I'm never leaving you either. We do everything together. I can't believe you actually said that."

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