What the hell did I just do?

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"What is life without love? What is life if I have no one to share it with? Is it worth to fall in love if its inevitable for me to die before I reach my thirties?" These thoughts, race through my head, but the thing is Miles is perfect, Miles can breach these thought. He knows what its like to be slowly dying inside. Miles knows about Augustus and he understands because he has gone through the same thing with Alaska. 

"Hazel wait up!" Miles calls out and chases after me,  I laugh at him. Miles is like a simple needy puppy. Always needing attention, having to train a puppy takes time and effort. The thing is I don't have that time and effort. 

"Miles, go home." 

"No, Hazel I get it. You said that you wouldn't love me if I kept nagging, but I cant not nag you cause I love you and you may not believe it, and you may just want to walk away from me right now, but Hazel. Please just give me one more chance- show me the caring inner Hazel I know you are." 

Miles was out of breath and tired, he was just shouting at me and smiling. With a single tear that streaked down his face.

"Miles. Please. I can't, i'm scared." I look at him in his eyes, and I take my oxygen tubes off and kiss him deeply and throughly. I then walked about a block further leaving Miles behind me, and I see my moms car. I then hop in and think about what the hell I just did.

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