1. The Announcement

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Lucy's P.O.V

I arrived at the guild on time, "Morning Everyone!" I greeted happily when I walked in. I earned a few greetings from other guild members as I sat at my usual spot at the bar. Mira, the white haired mage approached me with her usual smile. "Good Morning Lucy."

"Good Morning, Mira." I replied. "The usual?" I nodded. "Yes please." She walked away, beginning to make my strawberry milkshake. "Morning Lu-chan!" I looked at my right to see a certain bluenette, take a seat right next to mines. "Levy-chan!" I greeted. I looked at the stacks of papers she was holding. "Lu-chan, I absolutely love your chapters so far!" She handed me back the papers of my unfinished book. "Thanks! I didn't really think it was good though.."

"It was! I especially loved that you based the characters off of you and Nats-" I immediately covered, her mouth. "Shh!" I feel the heat rise to my cheeks. Suddenly, my order was placed in front of us. I looked up at Mira who was smirking. Oh no...

"So, what is this about Natsu? Hm?"

"No, No! It's nothing like that!" I exclaimed, my hands waving in disapproval. I picked up my drink and started sipping, feeling rather hot. "I'll be back later to hear the details." Mira subtly winks in my direction before heading to a table who probably ordered drinks. I sighed and placed my head on the table. "Sorry Lu-chan, but it was my favorite part."

"Uh huh. I wonder where Gajeel is right now." I teased, looking at her expression. "L-Lu-chan!" she exclaimed, blushing hard. I let out a laugh, My eyes scanned the room quickly. As usual, Gray and Natsu were arguing about who knows what. From a distance, Juvia was staring at the two fighting. No...more at Gray and cheering him on.

"Good morning Lucy." Erza greeted me from the behind, clasping my back that nearly knocked the wind out of me. "H-Hi Erza.." I replied weakly, wheezing a bit. "Oh, I heard Master has an announcement for us!" Levy mentions.

"Hm. I heard about that from Mira." Erza responded receiving her strawberry cake. This girl was obsessed with cake. "I wonder what it's about.." Then, out of nowhere Natsu bumps into Erza from the back. The plate drops onto the ground bringing her cake down with it. My eyes widen as I watched Erza stare at her smashed cake.

"Yo, Flamebrain!" The ice mage calls out. "We're not done yet!"

I see Natsu smirking, "I know that ice princess, I was just getting start-" Erza grabs his ear dragging him to Gray, "You idiots destroyed my cake!" In anger, she grabs both Natsu and Gray and smashes their heads together knocking them out cold. Remind me to never anger Erza.

"Listen up Brats!" I looked straight ahead and see Master standing on a barrel. "I have an announcement to make! Those who participated in the Grand Magic Games are to be rewarded! Those people are going to go to a resort in Fiore, owned by a good friend of mine! Each of you may bring one guest only! Meet here tomorrow morning at 7am sharp!" I turned to Levy. "We're going on a vacation!" I say in excitement, Oh! I can bring her as my guest. "Levy-"

Then, Gajeel approached us. "Yo, Shrimp!" I looked at them in amusement, smirking playfully. She looked up. "Come with me to the resort." He said straight forward.

"I uh-" She stumbles with her words, taken aback.

"Just say you'll go." He mumbled blushing slightly. "Fine. I'll come." I see her cheeks heated as well. He grins, "Good. See you tomorrow." He turns and he walks away. When he becomes out of ear shot, I squeal in happiness. "Levy-chan!" I yell in excitement. She doesn't say anything except smiles a bit. "Luce!" I hear a familiar voice call me. I spot Natsu amongst the crowd walking up to me. Levy nudges me smirking. I suddenly feel hot again.

"H-Hey Natsu.." I greeted, awkwardly scratching the nape of my neck. Why am I suddenly acting like this?

"Hey! I was wondering if you want to come with me to the resort!' I stare at him blankly, I hear Levy laugh nervously. "Natsu, you know that I'm coming already..."

"Really? How?" He asks me eagerly. "I was in your team, but I got injured remember? I was there at the start but just not for the rest of battle." He ponders for awhile. "Oh yeah huh!" I still smile at his clueless but somewhat innocent nature. "But I'm glad that you thought of me first." He smiles nervously, blushing. "O-Of course! Hey, I'll meet you back home 'kay?" He spins around and runs out the guild. Wait, what? Home?


No One's P.O.V

"See you later Juvia, Erza, Levy-chan!" Lucy waves her hand as her friends begin to walk to FairyHills, the girls' dorm for Fairy Tail female mages. She begins to walk home. "Oh!" She takes out one of her silver keys, "Open! Gate of the Canis Major! Nikora!" A bright flash of light appears and as it disappear a small white creature with bland eyes appears in front of Lucy. "Puun-Puun.." The small snowman-like spoke, shaking nervously. She smiles. On the way home, she balances on the edge with Plue following her from behind.

"Be careful Lucy!" One of the fisherman warned. She smiles at them, "Don't worry! I will!" In no time, she arrived at her apartment. When she opened her door, the fire-dragon slayer appeared doing sit ups on her floor. "Gah! Natsu!" She exclaimed, startled. "Oh hey Lucy." Natsu stands up only to be meeted by the wall. "Lucy Kick!" She had exclaimed. "Oww..Luce, that hurts."

She huffed, "It was your fault, why didn't you tell me that you we're going to be here?"

"I did.." He rubbed his head, that was probably forming a lump. "Remember 'I'll meet you at home?"

"Ohhh.." She responds sheepishly. "Hey Lushee.." The blue exceed, flies into the bedroom. "Where's your food?"

"I know.." Natsu wails. "I'm so hungry.." Lucy sighs, "I'll go make some, but let me take a bath first."

"Ok!" She headed to the bathroom, she closes the door and turns the water on. As she waits for her bathtub to fill up, she strips off her clothes. Lucy turns off the water and steps into the warm water of her bathtub. "Ahh.." She says relaxing and feeling the warmth of the water. After about 15 minutes, she leaves the bathroom with her pajamas.

"[yawns] Natsu, Happy what do you guys want to-" She finds her friends asleep on her bed. Smiling, she walks to the kitchen thinking of what to prepare. "Ooh, I can prepare some turkey and mash potatoes.."

About an hour later, she takes the turkey out of the oven. The smell of food drifted to the bedroom where Natsu and Happy we're. "Food.." He mumbled in his sleep. "Fish..."
"Guys! Food is ready!" The blonde Mage calls. Natsu and Happy run into the kitchen, starving. They sit down at the table waiting eagerly for the plates to be placed in front of them. "Luce.." He wails. "Where's the food?"
"Lushee, there's no fish..?" Lucy sighs, "First of all, be patient Natsu..And Happy, I'm sorry I don't have fish."
"Aww.." The exceed wails. The celestial wizard puts the plates in front of them and in seconds they gobbled it down like it was bite-sized. "More!" They exclaimed at the same time.
Natsu and Happy finish all the food without any leftovers. Lucy had only one plate, leaving her a bit starving. "I'm so full.." The fire Mage exhales, relaxing on the bed. "Me too.." The blue cat replies. "Hey!" Lucy yells. The two snuggles in her clean bed. "At least take a shower! Your stinking up the place!"
Listening to her orders, Natsu and Happy go to the bathroom to take a shower. Lucy decides to start packing her clothes not knowing how long the stay was going to be, so she packed a lot. "Oh! I need my toothbrush and some toothpaste. " She approaches the bathroom door, and knocks in it. "Natsu! Happy! Are you guys done yet?"

Not hearing any response, she decides to open the door anyways. Luckily, Natsu was half-naked and was barely putting his shirt on. "Hey, Luce..We're done now." He grins and Lucy sighs. "Ok." She grabs her toothbrush and tooth paste and heads out to her room. "Natsu."
"Are you going to pack?"
"Pack..?" She sighs again, closing her suitcase. "We're leaving tomorrow to the resort..You need clothes."
"We do?!" He heads to the window. "Happy! Come on, we have to go!" Happy follows him from behind. "See you tomorrow Luce!" He jumps out the window and heads home with Happy to pack.
Lucy finishes packing and goes to bed. "[sighs]" She was feeling a bit cold. Her hand touches the empty spot next to her. "I wished I didn't made Natsu leave.." She whispers to herself. "Well, good night me." She reaches over to the lamp on her nightstand and turns it off, leaving the room quieter and dark.

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