6. 1st Ship Offically Sailed

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Wendy's P.O.V
Romeo and I were walking side by side with each other, my cheeks were flushed red. Why did Mira-san told us to go on one more ride? The last ride we went on...Well, it didn't turn out too good. Then, our shoulders gently brushed against each other. I felt myself shiver a bit. "Are you cold?" He asked me. "Huh?" I think I kinda shouted that part. "Uh..A bit.." I watched as he took off his jacket and placed it around me. "Oh, thanks." I smiled awkwardly. "Hey Wendy?"
"Can we not be weird around each other?"
"Well, ever since you said that thing on the carousel..we haven't been talking much." Wait, he remembered that?! Aw man..
"So can we not be weird anymore?" He asked hopefully. "Of course! Your my best friend after all!" I say cheerfully with a smile. He smiles back, "Great! 'Cause I was wondering if you want to go to the Ferris wheel...?" I smile again, "Can we? I wanted to go on one since forever!" He nods his head, "Let's go."
I was so glad things weren't awkward anymore, now...we were inside one of the carts in the Ferris wheel. I was swinging my legs back and forth with Romeo. I stopped swinging my legs and turned to look at him. He was still looking ahead. I didn't even know I was staring. I like you, I say mentally. His eyes flickered to mine. "What?"
"Huh-?" Oh god...No, I said it out loud! "Did you said that you-?" I stood up feeling really hot, "No, No, I didn't say anything!" I looked at the window and leaned my face on it. My cheeks pressed against the cold window. I ruined it again. I felt him grabbed my wrist and turned me around.
"Wendy." He said sternly, "What did you said?"
"I-I-" My eyes were starting to get teary, "I like you." And here come the rejection...

I see the corner of his lips turn up, "Really?" I nod my head. He pulled me close and embraced me, my chin resting on his shoulder. "Uh.."
"You have no idea how long I wanted you to say that." I hear him whisper.
"Really?" He parted from me and placed his hands on my shoulders. He chuckled, "Yes..For so long." He cupped both of my cheeks and used his thumbs to wipe my tears away. "I like you too." I smile and laughed, "I'm glad." I see him slowly leaning in and I lean in too, closing my eyes. Then, I feel his lips on mine and we kiss. It was...perfect.~
No One's P.O.V
"Guys!!" The matchmaker exclaims her eyes fixed on her computer screen. With no one answering, she grabs her mug and throws it across the hotel wall. The girls shrieked along with some guys. "Come!!"
"Mira-" Lucy groaned. "I was taking a nap.."
"Same with Love Rival...All of us are tired from the park."
"I was eating!!" The fire Mage exclaims stuffing another piece of chicken in his mouth. "Of course you are Salamander." Gajeel says rolling his eyes.
"Don't care! Look at this!" The bookworm approaches her first. "This better be not a waste of my--Oh my god!! Juvia! Lucy-chan! Look at this!" She shrieks. The celestial mage and the water mage walks to them. "Eek! I cannot believe it!" Juvia shouts. "I knew they would get together!" Lucy exclaims back.

"Why are the girls shouting so late at night?" Gray asks rubbing his forehead. "Who knows?" Jellal asks. "But just be glad Erza's in the shower still.."
"What about me?" Erza appears behind then with a towel. "Oh uh-"
"Mira is showing us something." The iron Mage answers her for him. "Mira! What are you showing us?!" She shouts that scares the 3 guys. "Look!" She holds up her computer screen to them. "Wait-Why are they kissing?!" Gajeel shouts. "Mira, why do you have a video of them?" Erza asks sternly. "I feel bad for those two.." Gray mutters. "Why Gray-sama?!" Juvia says. "How would you like it when you have video cameras around you 24/7?"
"My ships! RoWen, successfully sailed!" Mira winked while giving a thumbs up at the computer screen, hypothetically.
Romeo's P.O.V
"Hold on, question." I stepped in front of Wendy stopping her from opening the suite. "Are-Are we dating?" My face heated up. "Well, if you want to..But I want us to date."
"Me too." I leaned in and hugged her tightly. She opened the door and I hear the word 'Congratulations!' Oh great...My eyes flickered to the large banner that said 'Congratulations' I see Lucy-San carrying a fairly big cake and Mira-san just snapped a photo that kinda made my eyes go blind. "Hey Romeo, Wendy...I heard you guys are couple now.~" Mira says smirking at us. "Uh.." We just stood there stunned, How did they-
"Yo!" Natsu-san walked up to me. "Congratulations dude! You got her!"
"Um, thanks..?"
"Romeo!" Gray says. "Congrats man!"
"Congratulations Wendy." Erza greeted her. "If he ever hurts you, just tell me okay?" She turned all dark saying that. I'm standing right here...
"He won't hurt me.." She says shyly. I looked at her and she looks back at me, "I trust him."
"Aww~" All the girls said in sync. "H-Hey!" I said flustered.
"Everyone, stop picking on them now...It's best that we go to sleep now! We have another long day tomorrow!" Mira exclaims. I say bye to Wendy and go next door to our room. I wonder what Mira has planned for us tomorrow...

A/N: So, this was kinda a short chapter. But it was a RoWen moment!!~

Aw man...Now I'm kinda regretting the short chapter...

I'll try rlly hard to update soon! Promise!!

Q: What was the first anime you watched?

A: The first anime I watched was 'Say I love you'.

I think that's all I have to say...Well, until next time!~

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