Chapter 12

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  • Dedicated to my brain!

Ella: ♥ (ˆ⌣ˆԅ)

I wasn’t all too surprised when I learned it was my brother calling. I’d expected him to call soon.

“Should I pick up?” Derrick said, looking overdramatically frightened.

I rolled my eyes. “Yes.”

“Oh my god…” He said, running a hand through his thick black hair. “I don’t know what to say.” I noticed then that he was being his usual dramatic self- and I was glad. It was nice to have someone who knew me really well here.

“The truth.” I replied, taking a few steps back on the sidewalk to sit on the stairs.

“Hey, be careful there.” I jumped. Chase had probably gone to get his dad because he was now sitting where I would have placed my ass if he hadn’t warned me. It would have been awkward if I sat in his lap by accident… eww. Time to change topics, Brain.

“No, hello then?” I heard Derrick nervously laugh as Chase scooted over to make room for me. We were sitting a step above Brian- Chase’s dad- so Chase had casually slung his arm around my waist and leaned back. I hoped I didn’t stink- it had been a long day- almost 9 PM now- and I’d been wearing the same tear/grass/sweat stained clothes. I pinched Chase’s arm and as he laughed I motioned him to shut his Perfect (and I say that with a capital “P” because that describes it better) mouth. He flashed me a grin but quieted down.

“No, she did not get kidnapped… she’s healthy, yes... dude, you sound like her mom… sorry… GODDAMN IT I SAID SORRY!” Derrick said into the phone, making the occasional hand movements.

“You made me spend the only, like four days off I get from work to go looking for your sister- and that’s fine ‘cause I care about her too- but what the hell? Why didn’t you come along with me? Do you not care? And then- SHUT UP AND LISTEN TO ME- you start spazing out at me to bring her back BUT I AIN’T FRUKIN”- yes, he said “frukin’” and no, I don’t know what that is… I think a mix of “freakin” and a word that rhymes with truck- “BRINGING HER BACK. SHE’S HAPPY HERE RIGHT NOW. DO YOU EVEN KNOW- SHUT. UP! YOU DON’T KNOW, OKAY?!” Derrick continued on, but I will not tell you the entire conversation because it went downhill- yes, more downhill than this- and ended up with both my brother and Derrick tossing swears around.

So Brian (dad of Chase, FYI, if you still haven’t caught on) got up and gently pried Derrick’s fingers off his iPhone and took it inside to talk with Brady. I didn’t bother following him. Derrick came over and I moved to the side, (making Chase’s arm fall and also making him pout and me grin) letting Derrick plop down in between us.

“Your brother is a… different child.” Derrick said, rubbing his face.

I gave him a smirk. “I realized that when he decided to keep the same girlfriend for like five years.”

“Well she does have that cute pixie look…” Derrick said. Unsurprisingly, he had recovered from the phone call already. He was the type of person who was like a kid. Give him a lollipop and he stops crying. Derrick tended to forget the bad things in life fast, which I would have given up so much to be able to do.

I shook my head.

“Sure, just go on and ignore me.” Chase said, pulling a face. He crossed his arms and pretended to stomp away, making me laugh.

“Aww, poor Chase! What can I do to make you feel better?” I crooned, running after him. Derrick was still on the stairs trying to maintain a straight face.

“Well, there is something you could do…” Chase replied, smirking.

“Oh god, Chase. Do you have to make everything wrong?” I asked, slapping his arm.

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