Chapter 13

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Ella: ♥ (ˆ⌣ˆԅ)

“Are you serious?” I squealed, not bothering to hide my excitement towards the fact that I would be staying in the middle of nowhere with the hottest guy ever.

Chase looked over at me, surprised. “I thought you’d remember the biology test we had coming up next week.”

“WHAT? We have a bio. test next week?! Why didn’t anyone tell me?! Oh my god oh my god oh my god. I am such a fail in life.”

“Its okay, Ella. No need to state the obvious.” Chase replied with a lopsided grin.

“Shut. Up. Its all your fault!” I pouted as we pulled up into the hotel parking lot.

“What is- that you got stuck with such an attractive guy in the middle of nowhere?” I swear to god- this guy is a sparkly vampire but just doesn’t want me to know.

I just groaned in reply- half because there was no use lying and saying that I didn’t like him and half ‘cause I was tired.

“Ahh- here is my special Joe and Harriet. How is your talk fast going?” The receptionist asked before I had even walked through the door. At first I looked around to see whom he was talking to. This morning seemed a lifetime away.

“Who, me?” I asked, pointing to myself.

“Yes… there is no other Harriet that I know of.” The receptionist said in his deep French accent.

“Oh, uh it went well actually. I sound way better, don’t I, Ch-Joe?” I replied.

“Yeah yeah. But we’re actually very tired- you know famous people stuff- so if you’ll excuse us…” Chase said, grabbing my hand and shuffling towards the five flights of stairs we still had to climb.

“Yes, yes, of course.” The receptionist said, blushing for some reason and gesturing towards the stairs.

Pushing open room #154, I collapsed on the bed; grass stained clothes, shoes and all.

“Uh… Harriet? I would change my clothes before doing that.” Chase suggested, making his way to the washroom.

“Can I go first-“ I said, a bit too late. I could hear him snickering through the washroom door and I knew he’d done it on purpose- how dare he?!

I quickly pulled my/ (ugh I’m not even going to bother saying “used to be Lauren’s—It’s mine now) bag out from under the bed and rummaged through for something to sleep in. Since I couldn’t find yesterday’s comfy sweats- weird- I decided on a pair of black yoga shorts and a loose grey tank top. Honestly, why did Chase grab tiny yoga shorts out of probably the hundreds of Lululemon sweatpants that Lauren probably owned?! I mean seriously- though it was the comfiest thing I could find in the bag it wasn’t exactly what you would call “sleep attire.” I sighed and dug through the bag to find a towel, shampoo and other essentials. I then proceeded to throw them all over the floor, making our innocent honeymoon suite look like a crime scene. And I did a pretty good job, if I do say so myself. I took off my shoes and threw them close to the small window we have on the right side of the bed. Hearing the shower being turned off, I quickly jumped onto the bed and off it, trying to make as much hitting-the-ground noise as possible. Now, you may be wondering what I was doing, but you will have to wait to view my genius, ‘k? Anyways, after a while of jumping off the bed I finally did one jump that actually scared me it made so much noise.

“Ella… are you okay?” The rustling from inside the washroom stopped.

I grinned evilly to myself and quickly got onto the bed, squirming underneath the blanket that we hadn’t placed properly on the bed. I tried my best to make it look just like a blanket on the bed and made some groaning noises.

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