Chapter 11

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I put a tiny smile on my face, expecting the same from dad. His face was grim, his eyes looking me up and down.

“Give me your hand.” He said. I jumped.

“Uh… here.” I said, holding my hand out awkwardly. Dad took my hand and turned it over a couple of times, ending with my palm up. He softly touched my palm. Ooooh! He was checking for the birthmark we both shared! When dad looked up again, his eyes were teary and I bet mine were the same. We collapsed into a hug. My dad felt so weak. I was always more fond of dad than mom. After the divorce, I wanted to stay with my dad but mom argued and got me instead, even though I always believed that dad hadn’t cheated on mom.

Dad pulled back. “You’ve grown so much, Chase.”

I smiled and patted his arm. “You too dad, you too.”

“Sorry to disturb your er, reunion, but do I know you from somewhere, Chase’s dad?” Ella asked from behind me. I turned around in surprise. A few days ago she would have sulked off so she wouldn’t have to talk to anyone.

My dad turned to look at her. “I’ve taught you well, son.” He mumbled to me. My face probably turned a shade darker on the red side but I said, “Dad your advice only gave me a push into the mud.”

Dad grinned. “I do think I know you from somewhere…”

“Ella.” Ella confirmed with a nod. A piece of hair flew over her face and I had to force myself to keep my hand to myself.

“Oh my god! You’re the really nice bus driver… Brian!” She exclaimed suddenly, waving her arms animatedly.

“Yeah… I remember you now, you’re the cute kid.” Dad smiled at her kindly.

Still keeping his smile he said, “Now will you care to tell me why you were engaging in sexual activities beside my house?”

I turned tomato red. “Daaad! Do you have to say it like that?” I said, motioning towards a laughing Ella beside me.

“Well it is the truth… you were engaging in sexual activities. But I’ll let it go this time because I guess it’s hard to control your hormones for you teens. I remember when I was your age, girls were all over-”

“’k ‘k yay for you dad wouldyoucaretoinviteusin, please?” I interrupted before he could begin his life story.

“But I want to know what your dad was going to say!” Ella said from behind me, and I knew she was teasing me.

“I think Chase is right, I should invite you inside.” He said, gesturing towards the house.

Ella: ♥ (ˆ⌣ˆԅ)

That’s how I found myself trying to look interested in a wall and also trying to zone out of what Chase and his dad were talking about.

I had already stayed in the washroom for a long period of time to let them talk freely, and now I had nothing to do.

“Er, can I go look at the tulips outside?” I asked Chase’s dad.

They both jumped in their seats, as if they hadn’t remembered there was another person in the room. Talk about being the elephant in the room.

“Oh sure, if you’d like.” He replied, already going back to chattering with Chase. I stood up, stumbling and rushed outside in the fastest form of fast walking ever invented. Brian’s (as I will call Chase’s dad from now forth) house had a small garden type-thing attached to the side of his house which had tulips planted in it. They were varying colors; red, yellow, pink, orange. Looking at them brought tears to my eyes. Every last Friday of each month, before my sister’s death, our family would go to our now- passed- away grandma’s house. When she was alive, I mean. Tulips were grandma’s favorite flowers and the flowers grandpa used to engage to her. They were such a cute couple, honestly, and there was a huge love story behind them. Anyway, so we would go to her small cottage-house where she lived with her golden retriever and give her those flowers. And every time- every single fudging time- she would start silently crying. And you could see the hurt and loss in her eyes and it would make me want to cry but I wouldn’t because when I did my brother would tease me about being a baby and, of course, that was like the being insult that could be given when I was in elementary school. Now I know what grandma felt, I think.

“Hey! Ella! Your in so much fuckin’ trouble!” A voice said. I jerked my head up to see Derrick (my- as- straight- as-Nikki Minaj’s- ass- friend- aka really gay friend) walk up the sidewalk.

My mouth fell open. “What the hell are you doing here!?” I said. He was supposed to be at Tim Hortons- why- of all people- is he here? I thought as I tried my best to not check him out. All good-looking guys are gay. Well, other than Chase… I think.

What the hell am I doing here? What the fuck are you doing here?! You realize you literary eloped with a random guy you barely know without leaving a note or anything, your brother’s worried sick about you, and he’s already started putting up fuckin’ Lost Person signs!”

I sighed, covering my face. That was actually true. “So how did you find me, again?”

Derrick got this kind of guilty look on his face. “Well you know how I’m really good with tech and stuff… I kinda sorta tracked down that hot-guy-that-you-like-‘s iPhone…”

I put my hand on my hip. “When and why did you this?”

“Um, when I saw how hot he was… maybe!” Derrick said, flushing. He mumbled it really fast so it sounded like one word.

“Ella, are you talking to yourself?” I whirled around. Chase was standing leaning against the doorway, looking incredibly attractive.

“No!” I said, trying to block Chase’s view of Derrick and Derrick’s view of Chase. I had to stand uncomfortably close to Chase.

“Who are you obviously trying to block?” Chase asked. “And why are you squishing into me? Do I smell that good?” His grin disappeared as he looked over my head (easily) at Derrick. He shoved me gently so I would move but I didn’t and him being the strong jock he was lifted me up (bridal style so I had to link my hands behind his neck), walked down the few stairs and let me down onto the grass. I stumbled a few steps. What just happened?

“I know you.” Derrick said as the same time as Chase.

They stared at each other and I actually thought they might kill each other with their intense stare. What if they’d been like enemies in middle school or something? Oh my god. I remember Derrick saying something about moving from a small town as well. What if both of them used to live in Black Diamond?

“Dude I missed you so much!” I heard Chase say as he engulfed Derrick in a hug.

“You too, man, you too.” Derrick replied.

They were both hugging and patting each other’s backs so hard I worried they might have bruises after this. I stood there awkwardly and shuffled my feet.

After a while, Chase finally noticed me- sitting down and torturing the grass by pulling it out in bunches- and said, “Derrick, this is my er, friend, Ella.”

Derrick rolled his eyes. “I know, dude. She’s like, my BFF now.”  I noticed him winking at me when Chase stumbled at the “friend” part.

Out of nowhere, the “I’m a Barbie girl” song rang out. I covered my ears to hide of the hideous noise and saw Chase do the same. I looked over at Derrick and saw him smiling guiltily.

“What the hell, man? I know your gay, but this?” Chase yelled over the annoying ringtone.

“Sorry!” Derrick yelled back.

I rolled my eyes. “Can you pick up the phone now?”

Derrick looked down on his phone.

“Shit. It’s your brother.”



"Everyday may not be good but theres something good in everyday."

Yeah... sorry for taking so long to update but i promise to update sooner next time! :)

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