Guys. I am diagnosed with Writer's Block

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  • Dedicated to Writer's Block.... thnx 4 ruining my story :,(

O_o this, my friends, is how i feel right now. I know whats going to happen next--- and its really big-- but i dont know how to write it, how to add in the details of it. dafkaljs;f ds DAFA jk

OMG. i am going to take a while to update the next chapter. 

dfkalfasjf kdasfASGAIFWES fklasfalskjd fadakflueioawklhr092oi3 rfea sfaolka.;gijelurdvjka.fjd aiorjwe

Thanks for recognizing the fact that i have caught writer's block. i feel sick. 

(◐.̃◐)   (◑.◑)

i dalksfjugh. im gna go look at depressed posts on tumblr.

i lurv chu guys. 


baiiiiiiiiiiiii until i update!!

heres a few things about the horrid disease called "Writer's Block"....

sorry guys. this probably made no sense.

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