Part 5

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I'm the type to never sweat no chick

Ain't nobody but you got me stressin' this way and you know

Now the struggle's always real

Girls be stepping in my space

All up in your face

How am I supposed to feel?


Dammit, who is that?! Somebody has been knocking on the door for ten minutes straight! I stomp over to the door and swing it open.

"What," I bark. Instantly, I'm hit with guilt when I realize I just yelled at Ms. Delia. I feel like I just yelled at my own mother.

"I'll try to tell you this as quietly as possible because if Kierra hears it, she will shut this house down. But, uh, your "ex," Ms. Thumbzen is downstairs. Now, I suggest you get rid of her before the sleeping dragon awakens," she whispers, occasionally motioning her eyes towards Kierra. What is Tatiana doing here? I told her a long time ago that whatever we had was over a long time ago. I ended it as soon as she put her lips on me. Yes, I will admit that at the time, I did like it, but as soon as she pulled away, I saw Kierra's face with tears running down her eyes. It was right then that I knew that Sweets was the girl for me. But, one thing I know about that girl is that she is a territorial beast and she'll raise hell if she saw Tati. I walk downstairs and am met face-to-face with Tatiana Thumbzen. She has her legs crossed and an impatient look on her face. Her hair is cut to her shoulders as she rocks jeans and a white blazer. She is very pretty, but I'm not trying to have Sweets end my life because I want to compliment another girl. Especially, one who I may have had relations with from time to time. But, I swear I told Kierra. Plus she's in the past. Kierra's my present and future.

"Michael, darling," She smiles, getting up off the couch. She opens her arms and heads toward me. Nope! I step back to avoid her touching me. Say what you want, Your fiance didn't threaten to wear your business as a jewelry set, did they? And I'm really not trying to see her make good on her promise.

"What are you doing here, Tatiana," I ask jumping right to the question. I don't care how rude I sound. I don't have to sleep with her every night. She chuckles at me.

"Why? Scared of your fiancé?" I swear I can hear Sweets in my mind saying 'Girl gone.' That thought makes me smile, which leads to Tatiana grinning wickedly. She steps closer to me, which causes me to back up. My leg hits the front of the couch, causing me to fall onto it. Oh shit. Tatiana straddles my lap and instantly begins to kiss my neck. Oh shit.

"Don't you remember how good it use to feel," She whispers seductively. No and I'm not trying to remember! Attempting to pull her off apparently only excites her more because then she rips open my shirt. This is very bad. This is very, very, very bad.


Immediately, upon waking up, my hand flies to my left ear. I know that itchy, tingly feeling anywhere. There is a woman in close proximity of my man. And judging from how strong the feeling is, they're close. I force myself out of bed. I don't say anything so I can catch the bitch in action. I tiptoe downstairs. Looking at the image in front me sends my heart shattering into pieces. That bitch from The Way You Make Me Feel is dry humping Michael's lap while trying to fucking eat his neck. And Michael. He can barely get his sentences out.

"Tati, you have to-- Sweets is--- Stop it," He moans. Deciding I've seen enough, Kierra steps out of my body while Keylolo quickly steps in. I storm downstairs, blood boiling. Call me the terminator because I'm about to annihilate a bitch.

"And just what in all hell is going on here," I screech, stopping in front of them both. Michael throws Tatiana off his lap as his eyes widen upon seeing me. Though my eyes are gathering tears, I refuse to let either of them see it. My eyes dart between the two of them, waiting for someone to answer me. Finally the bitch says,

"You don't have cataracts. You can obviously see that Michael was about to make passionate love to me." I get the sudden urge to grab her by her hair and drag her throughout this whole house, but I quickly compose myself due to the life growing inside of me. I lost one baby and I'll be damned if this trick makes me lose this one.

"Tatiana--" I quickly cut Michael off with,

"No, no. Please explain to me why you allowed this trick to touch you... again." Yes, I'm confirming it. While he was on tour, Michael decided to play the field with Ms. Video Vixen. It was so stupid to forgive him, but he pleaded with me saying how sorry he was and that it was a mistake. Now, yeah, I did threaten to make his testicles my next jewelry set because I'll be damned if he decided to cheat again. He swore he would never do it again and he hasn't. But, here we are. I caught him damn near half naked with the same bitch who started all of this.

"Duh! Because he wants to be with me. Can't you tell when a man wants something with a little more....class?" Michael and I don't miss the dig. This twig is referring to me and Michael's differences. This bitch is an obsessed video girl and has the nerve to attempt to check me. Not missing a beat, I shoot back,

"Well this man obviously doesn't have a problem with it considering that he doesn't mind me being his teacher." I know Michael has something he wants to say, but I don't really care about that right now. I'll deal with his ass in a few. Rolling my eyes, I exit the house and head to the theater. But not before I say,

"Tell me this Ms. Thumbzen. If Michael wanted you so bad, tell me why the first chance he got, he fucked me in his big beautiful bed? And three days after, he proposed?"


"Look, Tatiana. You are my past, okay? Now, I know I told you somethings I probably shouldn't have but I'm in love with Kierra. She's my present and future. And another thing, don't you ever disrespect my wife with me standing here. You are no longer allowed back here, do you understand me," I growl, taking a step closer to her. She scoffs at me.

"But Michael--"

"No. It's time for you to leave." Noticing that I actually am serious, she gazes at me, pleading with me to reconsider. I motion my hand to the door to show her on her way. She scoffs one more time before walking out of the door.

"When you're done catering to that chick, you know where I'll be," she tells me walking out the front door. In an instant, I decide to go after Sweets. Once I find her, she's on the swing set staring at the flowers. I proceed with full on caution because I can only tell which emotion she's feeling right now. Oh, I've never been so scared in my life.

"I told you, Michael. I told you to make sure your past stays your past. But, now I catch you letting this bitch kiss your neck, the same neck that just last night, I kissed when I rode you three ways from Sunday. You acted as if we weren't even engaged and that I wasn't upstairs," She sobs.

"Sweets, I'm sorry. I tried to stop her, but I guess--"

"And it's not just that Michael! It's the fact that you let that bitch disrespect me in my house." That's where everything stops for me. I don't know where it comes from, but I tell her,

"Your house, Kierra? Let's get something straight here. Yes, sweetie, you are about to become my wife and we will start of lives together, but no. This is my house, girl." Her mouth gapes open as gasp escapes her mouth. She draws in a shaky breath as tears well up in her eyes.

"You know what babe? You're right. This is your house," She grabs her engagement ring and twist it off her finger, "Now live in it by yourself."

HOO MAAAAH GAAAAAAWD! No, Kierra! Go back! Laaaaaawwwwddddd!!! Lovelies are y'all okay? Is everybody still down with this ride? Because guess what? There's another part coming up right after this one! So stay tuned!

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Love ya loves! ---SimplyKayJay---

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