Part 9

213 13 26

They look so natural together

Just like two newlyweds should be

Is there a canopy in store

For me?

Sunrise, Sunset


You'd think I'd be chilling with my feet kicked up two days before my wedding right? Ha, nope! Oh, I am so stressed because guess whose family happens to be flying in today? Yes, mine. I know I've gotten to be more snappy and more demanding with the maids than I've ever been, but it's only because they are not ready for the judgement of the Walkers. That is a master's shade that one simply cannot learn in one sitting.

"Baby, calm down," Michael calls as I throw dress after dress out for his approval, "You're stressing me--- Yes, wear the red halter dress-- stressing me out now too." I come out of our closet, eyeing him questionably.

"Why that one," I ask, as he stands up and walks toward me. The better question is why is did I ask him that? He bites his bottom lip, giving me his famous get-you-out-your-panties look. I swat at his arm and glare at him.

"Michael, be serious!" I turn to walk away, only to feel a tug on my wrist. I'm face to face with Michael and his horniness one more time. He picks me up cradle style, earning a laugh out of me.

"I am being serious, Sweets. You don't need to be stressing like this over the people who love you unconditionally. And all this stressing and worrying you're doing is not good for our child either." I put my head on his shoulder and groan. The comfort of his cologne and arms manage to take all my tension away. Honestly, I could stay here forever because this is so peaceful and tranquil. But alas, another thought pops into my head.

"Baby, my stomach." At first he looks absolutely confused. But then, a look of understanding shows up on his face. For me to be only two and a half months pregnant, my bump surely is well developed. It looks like there's a volleyball growing out of my belly and the crop tops and cotton shorts I'm used to wearing are not covering it anymore.

"How are we gonna hide this," I ask, worry lacing my words. Michael gives me a lopsided grin and instantly I know what he's thinking.

"Why hide it?" See? I knew it. Michael is more excited about the baby than I am, and that's saying something because I have been over the moon. He got a crib, a rocking chair, toys, rattles, story books. He even sketched a picture of my stomach with our child inside with a halo over it's head. Every morning, I wake up to him either talking to my stomach or rubbing it. The moment I catch it, I try to stay still long enough so I don't disturb their time together.

"Because, honey. In case something g-goes w-wrong," I stammer, feeling my emotions take over. Yes, I know that the miscarriage was not my fault. Yes, I have been to counselling. Yes, I even put the booty on lock down for a good five months after I ventured out here. But, every time I think about the baby growing in my stomach, the fear of losing it comes around making me an emotional mess.

"Oh honey," Michael coos, wrapping me up in his arms. Mind you, he's still carrying me cradle style, "Everything happens for a reason. Maybe the reason you lost the first baby is because both of us couldn't be there to love it and help it grow, but now here we are. With another bundle of joy, together. Now, we can raise the baby as a family. I've got you and you've got me." With that, Michael kisses my forehead and places me back on my feet.


You know Kierra took three hours to get ready? She managed to take a nap while she was in the shower. Yes, still standing and all. She's a jack of all trades, for real. Anyway, after she finished, we decided to invite her family to the theater. Judging from the sound of confusion and discontent, I can tell my in-laws have arrived.

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