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At times it seems we take for granted

How precious life can be

Just hold on and I'm sure you'll understand it

Bringing into this world a precious boy or a girl


*One Year and Seven Months later*

"What are those two doing out there," Mama Katherine asks as we watch Michael and our child play. I guess he's pretending the baby is a weight because every time Michael lifts his arms, our child giggles and squeals. Then, Michael puts his face in JoJo's little tummy, earning him an even louder laugh. Michael has such a natural way with kids. He was meant to be a father, no doubt. And, he has taught me so much about patience and how to manage my schedule and my anger. I'm truly lucky to have him in my life and as the father to my baby.

"Who knows? But they sure do look happy." Since Mama Katherine is right here, I realize the food is ready. I step outside to call the loves of my life and in that very instant, I regret not bringing my camera to capture the cuteness in front of me. Jojo is holding Michael's face, kissing his nose and pulling back to give Daddy a grin.

"Come on you two! Dinner's ready," I call, with a grin matching Jojo's. Then within minutes, my two babies come bounding into the living room. Standing in front of me is my big man, Michael Joseph Jackson and sitting on his shoulders is my little man, Joseph Isaiah Jackson. Aka JoJo. He gives me a loving 'Mommy' and reaches his arms out to me.

"Come on, little man," I smile, picking up his chunky frame. Happily, he squeals and reaches for my earring.

Michael and I were overjoyed when we found out we were carrying a boy. And apparently Jojo was just as excited to meet us because the day he was born was chaos on top of a mess.

I was sitting in the kitchen, having some of Ms. Delia's homemade lemonade and was extra cranky for some reason. Not to mention, my back was in pain.

"Honey, let me call the doctor," Ms. Delia pleaded, patting my hand.

"I'm fine. This has been happening for two days now. It's probably just Braxton-Hicks." Where was Michael, you ask? He was shooting 'Remember the time' and boy, was he excited. Dangerous kamikazed on the charts, and we were ecstatic about the success. And me and Delia both knew that if Michael knew I was in pain, he would have ran my ass straight into the hospital, costume and all. There was no need to worry him. Everything was under control. I took another sip of my lemonade when Punky decided to sent a sharp kick to my stomach.

"Oooh," I groaned, grabbing my stomach. He sure had been active these past couple of days, kicking and moving. Lord Jesus, I might have a little MMA fighter on my hands. A little Muhammad Ali. Float like a butterfly and sting like a bee, eh Jojo? "Punky, stay still, please."

"Mm-mm. We're going to the hospital. I'll call Michael," Ms. Delia declared, grabbing me off the stool and walking me out. Another sharp pain in my back weakened my knees. My little man had decided to get this show on the road and he wanted to make a dramatic entrance.


"She's what," I heard Michael yell on the phone.

"She's having the baby, Michael. It's happening right now," Bill damn near screams. My water had broken a few minutes before I got in the car. And know what I was doing? Moaning and groaning in the backseat.

"Keep breathing, baby," Ms. Delia cooed, bringing the water up to my lips. I kindly took a sip and continued my breathing. No more kids. NO MORE KIDS!

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