Chapter 2

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It was impossible. Truly, it was. The green gem didn't like admitting defeat, especially after the fiasco she'd been through recently, but now she had to face the truth. The little stub of a leg she had couldn't support her body's weight and kept sliding forward or backward too far. She grimaced, but continued onward.

Not only was her leg a problem, but her gem was, too. Its condition hadn't changed much. It was still cracked, and the adhesive bandage she'd decided to use didn't do much to fix the damage inflicted upon it.

The horizon was looking dim and bleaker by the minute. Peridot blinked up at the dark gray sky, and then flinched when something wet and cold hit the bridge of her nose.

Rain. Was that what it was called? She remembered learning a little about Earth weather once. She hadn't paid much attention then, thinking that she would never make it to the forsaken place. Now that she was here, though, the information came rushing back.

Was rain poisonous? Peridot honestly couldn't recall, but the stuff was coming down harder now, and she grimaced, covering her face with her hands. She tried to run for shelter, but there was none-at least, not around here. There wasn't much of anything for as far as the eye could see. This planet's environment seemed to change greatly each time she moved, and it infuriated her.

She limped again, hopping forward, but she soon fell, hitting the hard, coarse ground that was growing muddy from the water dropping out of the sky.

Peridot propped herself up on her arms and dragged herself across the soil, but this wasn't very effective. The green gem was now out of breath and coated in mud around her waist and her elbows.

She wanted to punch something, so she did. She hit the closest puddle, but the resounding splash made the water go back onto her. She gritted her teeth, even more aggravated, but then decided to give in. This was awful. Even the Earth itself was fighting back. She was clearly losing to it.

Peridot shivered and laid down where she was. More calm than before, she let the rain hit her back and wash some of the mud off before sitting up and looking at the stump that remained of her leg.

Her felt strangely normal when she remained still. If she looked away from it and off into the distance, it felt like a phantom version of it had replaced the part she'd lost. In her mind's eye, she could move her foot rather well, but if she turned back to study it, it was gone again. If she turned away, she could pretend she still had her foot.

She could also pretend that she had never tried to kill Ben.

Peridot started to cry. It turned into full blown sobbing in a matter of seconds, though you couldn't tell that much with the rain all around her. She sniffled, then screamed. The sound echoed dully, and she paused, shocked at the slow way the sound waves seemed to travel. I'm losing it, she thought. That's what's happening. Because of that stupid boy, I'm losing it!

She gripped her head, but then winced, drawing her hand away from her gem. The pain brought things back into perspective. This wasn't Ben's fault. She had turned against him when he had trusted that she wouldn't. He had helped her, even. The only human that had...This was her fault, and hers alone. She knew that now, and the realization felt like a slow death.

Maybe it was. Maybe she would just die here. Peridot suddenly had a strange craving for the human boy's Doritos. Gems didn't have to eat, and it did feel strange, but it would've been better than just sitting here alone. Why do I always push everyone away...why?

She shook away these thoughts. Slowly but surely, she found her bearings again and decided to fly once more. There had to be gem tech somewhere around here. Once she got home, she would notify Yellow Diamond of the threat that the Crystal Gems posed, and she would squash them like the Earth's bugs.

Peridot rose up, and started to limp again as the rain subsided. She had to forget about Ben. The accursed boy needed to leave her alone like the rest of them did. He was a distraction that she didn't need now, a distraction from her mission, and everything she knew.

Either she would die, or he would. 

Author's note: Hello, and welcome back!
Just kidding, I'm not a game show host. I've clearly been watching too much Total Drama lately. Anyways, here's a new chapter for you guys! I know I took way too long to update, but sophomore year of high school is actually harder than freshman year. I'm not even kidding.

Enjoy, but don't try to force me to update. I've got homework and projects and writing assignments like you wouldn't believe.

Later! :3

~ awesomeri14

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