Chapter 4

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Author's note: Hi, my readers! This chapter is based off of the most recent Steven Universe episode, When It Rains. Enjoy! :3 ~ awesomeri14

Peridot had never felt so out of place before. When she had first arrived here, it hadn't mattered what the planet was like, or what its inhabitants did, because her mission was supposed to be brief. Now that she was stuck here, however, that had changed. She had never been more insecure, either. With her limb enhancers gone, she was now much shorter than Ben and barely reached the Steven's height. Peridot frowned. If only she had her tech, then she could escape and blast these clods on her way out. She would also be tall again. The green gem despised her height. She couldn't strike fear into anyone while she was like this.

Peridot had turned away from the Steven as it had asked her to, and tried her best to ignore the stench that came after. Garnet's voice startled her. It came from behind the central door that had led to their Earth "bathroom". "Open the door, Peridot! If this cluster is putting us in danger, then you need to tell us what it is so we can stop it!" Being imprisoned in this little room was very undesirable now, but she didn't want to leave, not when there were gems outside that intended to hurt her. It was the only way she could defy them now, and she intended to do that for as long as she could. They wouldn't make her talk. Not now, not ever! "No! I hate you! I'm not telling you anything about the Cluster!"

Ben winced at this reply, his spiky hair standing on end. He had been asked to stay here in the temple with the Gems since he-in their eyes, anyway-knew her secrets. He had been leaning against the wall to the far right of the bathroom, holding his bag of Doritos so tightly that he crushed a few of the chips inside. Peridot's yell had reached him from where he stood, though, and he couldn't help but be surprised at how loud her voice had been, despite being muffled by the door frame. "Oh, come on!" Amethyst retorted. She was beside the door with the rest of their ragtag team. "Is it, like...a big hunk of granola?"

There was puzzled silence in the room until Peridot's voice sounded from the bathroom again. "What's granola?" Ben fought back the urge to smile. She really didn't know anything about this planet. Pearl turned to speak to her teammate then. "I'm sure it's not granola." She walked up to the door and pressed her hands together. "Now, Peridot, I'm sure that we can reach sort some of agreement. Perhaps a trade is in order?" Peridot soundly strangely chipper then. Ben knew her well enough to recognize the hint of sarcasm in her answer."Oh, sure! Why don't you just give me back my leg attachments and my arm enhancements with my log screen and all my information? Oh, wait. You destroyed them! So no, I don't think we can reach some sort of agreement!" The gems each let out a sigh of contempt. Ben did too, but eyed the door when the toilet flushed. Steven was still in there with her, wasn't he? Anger shot through him. If she touched a hair on his head, or anyone else's, he'd...well, he'd... His shoulders sagged. He'd just...have to think of something threatening later. The door to the bathroom started to open. Ben reached for what was closest to him, which just so happened to be his bag of chips. He wielded it comically, but then relaxed when Steven came out. "Sorry for interrupting your interrogation." Garnet remained expressionless, but her words to him were gentle. "Don't worry about it, Steven." Pearl grew angry then, her face revealing her frustration. "I swear, Peridot is going to crack any second now!"

Peridot was relentless. Ben could almost admire her will to resist them. "I'll never crack to the likes of you, you-crystal clods!"

Peridot trembled behind the door. In truth, she was afraid, but if she let them know that, she would die. She wiped away a fresh tear and looked at the green comb on the counter. She liked its color. If she was ever able to leave this room, she'd have to ask Ben what it was used for.

Ugh. Ben. At this point, the green gem wanted nothing more than to slap him again. For now, she could do nothing but wait for the right moment. It didn't matter how nice he had been, or how he had shielded her. Peridot looked at her face in the reflecting panel on the wall and sighed. When Pearl said that she was useless without her enhancers, she heard, and stood up, outraged. "I'm not useless!" She slumped back down immediately after that outburst. The green gem knew she had no choice now. Either she would befriend the human and the gems that were keeping her hostage here, or she would die alone. Peridot pulled her legs up close to her face as she sat down in the corner of the room. She decided that she preferred the second option and closed her eyes, wincing as pain spiked up through her head. Stupid broken gem!

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