Chapter 9 (A Conflicted Christmas)

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Ah, Christmas. Yet another holiday that Peridot didn't understand.

The temple was strung up with colorful lights and other bright things, some of which made the green gem's eyes hurt. She had asked the Gems what the significance of this holiday was, but they'd been vague, so she was still left in the dark about the whole thing. Everyone was heading outside for something called a tree lighting ceremony that would occur in the center of Beach City. Steven was pushing her outside, helping her with her borrowed jacket and scarf. Peridot shivered. Even with her extra clothes, it was bitterly cold outside. She had hardly moved an inch before she stepped in something white that gleamed in the afternoon sunlight. Peridot recoiled, nearly slipping on the stuff. She put a hand down to touch it, then became disgusted. It was chilly and wet. Steven, however, had the opposite reaction. He was more energetic than usual, running around and grinning, as if it were stardust he was stepping in and not this weird...mushy substance. Peridot had to question this behavior and this white thing. "Steven...what is this stuff?"

"Snow!" The kid tossed some of the stuff up into the air. It fell down around them, glittering like little crystals. Peridot watched them fall, amazed. "Snow?" "Yeah, snow! It's like rain, but lighter and cold because of a change in the clouds!"

Steven continued to bound around in the crystalline mess like it wasn't something to fear. But on this planet...anything new had to be analyzed closely, because it could be a threat. Out of nowhere, the quartz hybrid took her hands and guided her down the steps. Peridot was grateful for this, since the other gems had long since left them both behind on the porch, but she also disliked it. She could walk on her own! She didn't need some bothersome gem to assist her! She wanted to do it all by herself, but how could she tell the Steven that she didn't want his help without hurting his feelings? Too many people had had hurt feelings because of her. This life form that had guided her through many aspects of Earth life didn't need to have any of that today. Instead of verbally telling Steven to leave her be, Peridot let go of his arms and stepped out onto the snow covered beach. She nearly slipped once or twice, but was able to right herself. Steven cheered her on, not minding that they had fallen far behind the others. "Yeah! Keep going, Peridot!"

The green gem did just that, hurrying along until she had reached the ice and slush free concrete ground of Beach City's streets. Steven smiled and waited until Peridot had reached his side. Once she did, the hybrid gem ran off, grabbing her hand to drag her along with him. The two arrived for the tree lighting just in time. Garnet stood with Pearl and Amethyst in front of a massive pine tree in the center of the town. Steven let go of Peridot's hand and joined his team, laughing when Garnet ruffled his curly hair with one strong hand. Peridot walked up to them slowly, nervousness making her steps sluggish. The Amethyst's eyes were on her as she approached them. "Hey, nerd," she said as the green gem came to a stop beside her. "Hello," Peridot murmured. She didn't like the way that word sounded, but it seemed to be Amethyst's go to adjective for her now.

"What happens at tree lightings? Are trees...lit on fire?" The purple gem's coarse laughter made her face burn with embarrassment. Her laughing could only mean she was wrong about something. "No, no, no!" The Pearl chose to answer her inquiry. Her voice was soft as she gazed up at the Earth plant. "The humans here put lights on the trees, and then the mayor over there lights them all at the same time." A contented expression was on the slender gem's face. "Oh, it's wondrous! A bit strange, I'll admit, but beautiful too, all the same." "Hmm..." Peridot turned back to look at Garnet. She shivered as she looked at the fusion's face. She had been trying to understand the perma fusion, and lately, talking seemed to help better her understanding of her. "Um...Garnet?"

The fusion gem heard her voice, and nodded. "Yes?"

"When does this lighting start?"

Garnet adjusted her shades, as she often did when she used her future vision. "Soon. You should see your boyfriend while you can." Peridot was flustered at this word. She didn't know the meaning of it, but the way the fusion was smirking made her flustered. Steven was giggling beside her. "Garnet, they're not dating!"

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