"reverse racism"

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this makes me feel weird to write after the niall & school thing but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


i've been thinking abt this a lot bc i mentioned it to my cousin (who's biracial & taking psychology) and she said how it wasn't a thing. i hadn't really thought abt it too much bc yknow i care more about niall my lovely saltine cracker but idk

i started thinking about it in the shower yesterday bc i think about weird things in the bathroom (for example why humans flinch) and i realized that it really is not a thing. it sounds rude of me to say and i don't want to offend anyone but man y'all it doesn't exist.

reverse racism cannot exist because white people are the dominating race - they'll never go extinct or smtg. "reverse racism" is almost an excuse for white people to not feel bad about what their ancestors did (and what some people still believe is right) to other races because the rest of the world is finally realizing that it! is! immoral! and! wrong!

now if you believe in reverse racism that is totally cool but i think you should compare your reasoning for it to someone who doesn't believe in it (aka me or anYone else)

i mean, i understand what you mean if some people take it too far when calling out white people but you gotta look at it from both sides, yknow?

love y'all & i hope i don't lose friends for this sigh

bad rants: a series of rants by katDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora