! girl group tag !

29 10 0

tagged by -kaizar lolz thanks boo

1. name
katrina lol i wouldn't need to change it thank

2. stage name
hmm maybe kat?? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ im not picky

3. position
hM maybe 4d & lead dancer ??

4. height
ideal is like 167 cm - 170 cm (only 7-10 cm away hmu @ puberty !!)

5. weight
50-62 kg i guess idk just not what i am now lmao

6. languages
english & french (since im already fluent) + korean, japanese & spanish (learning!)

7. nicknames
kat/kitkat wHo knows

uhhhh i tag baekhyunsandwich thotjaehwan baekhyun enemyfires gayseok jincest sanguinehoseok seoultrash taetertots velvetvevo virjinity plsyoongi omghansol smolchim nd whoever else want go do it my hand hurts

- kat !!

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