sigh @ world

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you know what i like?

equality. acceptance. open-minds. calum hood.

you know what i don't like?

inequality. closed-minds. meghan trainor.

but most of all


if it's unclear what i mean by that, let me give you an example, yeah?

people of colour (mainly blacks and latinas/os at this moment)

who have fought for decades for their rights to have a decent job, sit where they would like to on the bus, make as much money as a white person, to have their culture be appreciated.

nowadays, all you see and hear about on social media is "#BlackLivesMatter" "blacks are people too" "don't appropriate latina culture"

it's great, really. knowing that people are realizing how wrong it was to discriminate entire cultures because they were different and unique. because they didn't share all the same traits or carry out all the same stereotypes. it's amazing knowing how many people have picked their head out of their ass and realized that wow! not all black men are thugs! not all latino men are drug dealers! not all latinas are whores! not all black women want to start fights!

but guess what!

you're romanticizing it.

you're making it into something to talk about so you get recognition, notice, applause, fans, anything that could make you feel or seem more important. you're getting "woke" and turning it all into a fucking joke. and it's disgusting.

it's like.... the lgbtia+ community. if you know what i mean.

im not trying to say that it's wrong to want to help a community and empower them and help them get what they deserve as human beings, what im trying to say is that you're making it into your own publicity.

i can bet that 64% (keeping it low bc i have hope for humanity) of people who tweet/post/write about cultural appropriation don't know what it means, much less bother to find out. and, i bet they're all white.

because no offence to white people, you're cool and shit, but half the time we feel forced to talk about these things is because you don't get it. you make us look like fools fighting for a lost cause. you try and seem bigger than us with your opinions because you dominate against other races. which isn't fucking cool.

i feel like im offending people, which isn't my intention. the whole point of this was to stop romanticizing and stereotyping important social issues in the world today. if you're not educated on it, don't say anything. educate yourself first. you'll be helping a lot of people that way.

- an angry teenage black girl

bad rants: a series of rants by katDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora