insomnia: tips n tricks to help you sleep

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ok so i've had really bad insomnia for years of my life and recently a friend of mine was struggling with it too. over time i picked up on little things that helped me sleep easier/faster, so i decided to share them with you!

(note: the last one only really applies if you're afraid of sounds you hear in the dark, like my grind is.)

to sleep at night!

- yoga & meditation!
; obviously don't do this when its dark, but when you know it's getting later (not past 12am) it's always a good idea to put yourself in the right mindset and to relax your muscles!

- not being on your phone!
; this is honestly a lot simpler thank you might think, just don't use your phone RIGHT before you're going to bed. if you know you're getting near your sleepier stages, put it away and try to just focus on sleeping and the space around you, rather than what michael clifford just tweeted. it'll still be there in the morning, and if it's not, well im sure someone got a screenshot.

- avoid arguments at night!
; arguing only makes you more stressed, which picks up your heartbeat, which means you won't fall asleep as quickly or easily! avoid anything that could be turned into an argument so that way you're more relaxed as you head off to bed.

- stay hydrated!
; even water can help sometimes. or, sucking/chewing on an ice cube! this can be not only relaxing & good for you, but also great for relaxing muscles in your jaw! (you tend to be quite tense there, so this can be very effective!)

- don't eat sugary foods before bed, including fruits! (ie; apples)
; all the glucides (i don't know the english word for it lmao) will want to keep you awake as they burn out, so leave those foods for after you wake up! it'll give you a boost of energy in the morning, rather than at night.

- listening to calming music!
; instead of playing artists you like, try listening to rain sounds or other naturey things! this link also has a woman making specific sounds MADE to help people fall asleep, and it honestly works, i use it sometimes. ( ) (i'll put the link in the comments too / you can find it on youtube: ASMR Top 10 Most Requested Binaural Mouth Made Trigger Sounds)

- breathing control!
; it's always good to make sure you're breathing well & that your heartbeat's at a normal pace as well!

- remind yourself!
; they're ONLY SOUNDS! they won't come out of the dark to hurt you, they don't have the power to do that. plus, there are two/three/four other people in the house with you, who might even be why you might hear things! don't jump to conclusions, or else it'll make it harder to fall asleep. they're ONLY sounds.

anyway, i hope this helped! goodnight sweet peas <3

- kat

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