6: Tasteless Romance

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Okay, so I talked a bit about romance before, but I'd like to fully cover it.

I have some real life romance stories to tell and a few examples.

Romance is what I'm all about, but you should never rush into it too soon or it completely throws off the story.

A good example of a romantic love at first sight:

I trailed down the empty hall way and turned into the library. My over due books in my arms. I couldn't believe they were finning me two dollars for my past due books. As I opened the large doors my eyes caught on someone standing by the book check out. The sunlight outlined his body with a golden glow, and his dark brown hair was slicked up in the front. He glanced my way as the large doors squeaked shut with a slam and he gave me a small smile and a nod. He was gorgouse, I didn't know who he was or even his name, but I felt drawn to him; his smile called me closer and his laid back style made me blush at the thought of what this boy would be like. I walked in to return my books, I kept my eyes on him, even when he looked up at me. I had to know; who was this boy?

And now a bad example of a romantic love at first sight:

I angerly walked through the deserted hall way with my over due books in hand, how dare this place charge me two dollars for my over due books! With my eyes to the floor I was sudendly stopped as my body collided with someone. I fell to the floor and looked up to see a hand reached out to help me up. It was a guy I'd never seen before, and was he hot! His hair was on point, spivked in the front, and his blue eyes were like the ocean. As he helped me up I could feel his mucals, they were large and rock hard. He smelled of green tea leaves and his face was all too perfect. I couldn't believe it; I was in love.

Know the difference? Love at first sight comes before you even have contact with that person. You don't need to see them up close to know you love them. You except them before you know them or their flaws or anything at all about them.

What makes me mad about these fan fics isn't really how their written, but how fast things move. Let me show you...


I only knew him for a day and I really only knew his name, but as Sean held me tight on the locker room floor kissing down my neck I couldn't resist or say no. He pulled my shirt off and looked me over, I glazed into his blue eyes and felt safe. He kissed me once more and held me against the lockers. My nails gripped his shoulders as he undid his jeans and shlipped them off. I could feel him pulling at my shorts and I quickly undid them as he crawed on top of me.

So, sex after one day of knowing a guy? I bet your parents are real proud of you.

This is what normally happened, if its not a day after knowing a guy, its a week after he kidnaps her.

But I'll get into the whole "kidnaping means I love you." Thing later....

I just think it moves to fast, yes; everyone loves that lusty sex chapter bettween the hot girl/incecure/nerd and a hot guy. But where is the relationship build?

It doesn't add any real touch or "the feels" to your story if you just make them have sex all the time, what is this; playing with Barbie's?

Most werewolf stories are just smut, I need to read about people that have flaws but together they fix each other- and then have lusty sex.

Not just the main character trying to get boned the whole time.


Gradually get into the sex chapter, build a relationship first!

Read over your stuff and decided if it moves to fast or not; yeah its a book not a life story, but do you want your readers to get emotional about your characters when shit go's down or not?

Sex every ten minutes or every other chapter is not okay.

A few chapters that involve sex is plenty!

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