4: The Everyday Model

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Nobody's perfect right? Wrong.

According to every fan fiction ever, everyone is a diamond in the ruff. That's right, under all you think is nerdy and ugly you're really the hotest person on earth.

Now I'm not making fun of anyone, trust me. But this is a problem.

Yes, everyone loves a juicy story about a hot guy suducing an incicure girl into his pants. But could this boy ever be- not a wall of abs?

Think about an incecure guy, who loves this popular, pretty girl. But he can't have her; how could someone like her ever love a beast like him? Am I getting anyone's vote for a book like this, or is model on model action what the world craves?

Everyone has flaws and personal problems, I know they're werewolves, but are they alions too?

Also, these guys are so young. The men never have facial hair or any kind of hair for that matter, these guys are werewolves; aren't they sapose to be hairy and unteamed?

By the way; messy hair is NOT atrative, nor is it in anyway hot or pretty. As a girl myself; having my hair in a mess makes me feel gross and putting it into a bun and going out is never going to happen. Girls; just brush your hair and shower, its not that hard.

Can't we just have not model characters for once? Maybe even an actual nerd instead of some hot chick who thinks she's a nerd or hipster?

I also hate how authors try to explain how imperfect their model is, normally over doing it. Or they controdic themselves the whole time; for example:

Mia was not perfect, who was? Her golden brown hair dropped down to her mid back and her curvy hips stuck out like a sore thumb. Yes it was true; she was a nerd. No one knew her, she had but two friends, she felt fat being 110 bl, and her hair was always a mess and never looked nice. She sighed at her reflection in the full body mirror, her reading glasses in her hand. "At least I only need these to read." She said softly to herself in that cailming coo of a voice that she hated hearing.

She put on her vans and a thin plaid jacket that went over her T-shirt, she put on a bit of make-up and tossed her bookbag over her shoulder. With out even brushing her hair she tossed it up into a messy bun, it look breath taking the way the messy bun complemented her messy yet perfect style. "I wish I was one of those perfect, popular, pretty girls at school. Who wants to date an ugly nerd like me?" She whispered to herself as she took one final look in the mirror at her strikingly perfectly thin body and thick messy bun before she walked away.

With looks like that id say she's much prettyer then the "popular" girls.

The other girls would have to be godesses to make this chick look ugly....

Do you see my point? If you want to make them "ugly" you need to make them sound like they have flaws, and be "uglyer" then the other girls.

Also, not all "popular" girls are mean. I know because i was one of them in high school, and i was nice to even the people i didnt like. Please give us respect.

On another note; the friends they hang out with should be outcasts like her. Again this is not always true, i myself back in middle school use to be friends with some popular kids but wasnt really "in the loop". I was shy back then, but peeps loved me because i was so nice.

Does anyone remember the dream works movie shrek? It was a cute and lovely movie about how one seen as a monster can still find a beautiful woman how loves him because she wasn't perfect either. He was no prince charming, but it showed that anyone can be loved.

But in werewolf fan fics; these beasts seem to be all to flawless in every way that its all they'll ever be; fiction.


Don't try to over due the "not so perfect" description to your character.

Don't ever use the word perfect to describe your character if you want your reads to believe she isn't.

Give them personality, or flaws. Fears or dreams at least. They're not made of clay, they have struster.

No more models or mean popular girls. It is possible that a popular girl could help out a "nerd" you know. Popular people are only popular because they put themselves out there, are social, and love to be a part of things.

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