18: Species

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Lately ive seen a lot of books about more then just were wolves; and just let me say- i love it. shiftiers don't always need to be wolves.

I love concept of mixing things up and adding in fox shifter or a hybrid wolf. Sometimes im just so sick of basic werewolfs.

What if they were a diffrent species of wolf like timber wolves or manned wolves?

What if she wasnt a wolf at all like a fox, husky or coyote?

Are there other species that are shifters, like large cats or bears?

Maybe the pack goes to war with another species of shifter instead of another pack of wolves or rouges.

here are some suggestions;

◾ large cats (tigers, mountain lions)

◾ Foxes

◾ Dogs / Hybrids

◾ Manned wolf / Coyotes

◾ Bears

so does species really matter in your were wolf story? no, not at all.

In fact,  mixing things up by making your main character a hybrid or a dog shiftier instead of a "rare" wolf or normal wolf could really add some good drama to your story.

Honestly, you can use any mammal you want. I would just keep it to mammals since thats what humans are.

Some large mammals make a lot more sense then others. Take the house cat; its cute and would be a fun story but a human shifting into a little bitty kitty doesnt quite sound right.

Another path lest taken is changing to type of werewolf you use as your consept.

Most go with a basic concept and no explanation. Not that its really important that you announce what type of werewolf your charater is, but it can be a creative element to your book.

For example:

Classic form- wolf man
humanoid/wolf appearance, can only shift on a full moon, created not born, painful transition, no contral when in wolf mood.

Skin Walker- Native lore
Human to wolf, can shift whenever, are created from a curse, painless and instant shift, full contral when in wolf mood.

Anamega- twilight saga
Human to large wolf, can shift whenever, are born not created, semi painful slow shift, full contral when in wolf form.

Anthro- Newest lore
Human to large wolf with huminiod structure, shift in times of stress or at night, are born or created, painful but quick transition, semi contral when in wolf mood.

Lycan- Under world saga
Human to beast wolf, more ancient form of wolf, shifts under a full moon or willingly at night, are born or created, painful but quick transition, low contral when in wolf mood.

If your going to specifie the type of werewolves in your story, I seggested you just add a little something in the begaining to clear things up.

No need to keep bringing it up, a little short and sweet paragraph or two is all you really need.

Ive read a few Lycan style books and really loved them in the past, something a bit more action filled then your average werewolf story.

The Anamega concept from Twilight is by far the most used, not that there's anything wrong with that.

But once in awhile I need something diffrent. The fact that transforming is very painful or that you might not have a lot of contral in your wolf form make for great drama in your story.

When it comes to werewolf stories there are a lot of factors that can be shifted or changed to make the story your own.

Sometimes its adding a new twist on your werewolf or even making them not quite a wolf at all.


mix it up and maybe include some new species of shiftier

Change up your werewolf and make the over all consept a bit different

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