~~Chapter Two~~ A New Home

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~~Chapter Two~~

A New Home

Right there in front of me, the two people who I thought I would never see again, was Jada and Flamis List. 

"What are you doing here?" I ask them. Jada laughs.

"You thought you could get away from us, didn't you?" She knocks on my head. "Is anyone still in there?"

"But I've been gone for a year, how did you find me?" Flamis looks at her and shrugs.

"It wasn't easy. Who was that guy you were with?" His eyes flash; yet with what I am uncertain of.

"His name is Cyrus. Although, he told me that wasn't his real name, so I don't really know." He scowls at the ground.

"Is something the matter Flamis?" I asked confused.

"No. Nothing's wrong." He wouldn't meet my eyes directly. I look at him confused but drop it anyway.

"What have you two been doing all this time?" They look at each other, then back at me.

"Nothing much." They say together.

"You're lying. Tell me."

"We can't. It's not that we don't want to, it's that we can't." I notice something different about the twins, and it's not until Jada lifts her hand to fix her ponytail that I see the lines. I grab her wrist and shove the sleeve back. I see something that looks like a bar code, but it's a fire orange.

"What the heak is this? It better not be a tattoo. You couldn't even get your ears pierced when you turned seventeen." I look over at Flamis. "You have one too, don't you?"

"It's not a tattoo Sahara. It's, uh, I can't explain what it is." Jada pulls her arm out of my grasp and pulls her sleeve down. I glare.

"And why can't you?"

"Because we were sworn by secrecy not to tell anyone." I roll my eyes.

"Secrecy. What are you, FBI? And I don't go by Sahara or Vesta or Safara anymore. My name is Avalon now." Jada nods meekly, and I realized I raised my voice. I calm myself down and soften my features.

"We're sorry Sa— Avalon." I sigh.

"Whatever. How is Antonia and David doing?"

"Dad passed away. He died four days after the fire. Mom is living life the way she always has. Although, I can't help but notice she's a bit happier now." I snorted. Of course she's happy. He's gone. And so am I.

"And you two. How long have you been looking for me?"

"Two months."

"Two months? It only took you two months?" The twins give me a grin.

"We had a picture of you. You are unforgettable." I sigh.

"Why did you look for me in the first place?"

"We missed you." They stated simply. As if that were the most obvious thing in the world.

"Sure. Because your lives were great with me in them. I've had a great year, and I'm ready for another." I sneered.

Another thing that changed within me, I was colder then ever.

"You were my best friend! Of course I missed you!" Jada cried. I scoffed and start walking towards the looming buildings. They ran right behind me and tried to keep up with my fast pace.

"Come on Avalon. Don't ignore us." Flamis scolded. I roll my eyes and walk a bit faster.

"Leave me alone. I don't need anyone or anything." I say and start to run. I run into a building that I soon realized was a mall. I run to the nearest store, which happened to be a bookstore. Fortunately, Jada and Flamis weren't big readers, so they wouldn't come in here.

I looked at the front entrance to see them run past the shop. I slowly creep out the store and back outside. I follow the mainstream of people in the city. It's weird. It wasn't this packed when I was with Cyrus, or whatever his name is.

But I suppose that's because we were by that beach or whatever. I shake my head and continue walking until the sea of people parted.

I stop at a bus stop and sit down on the bench in front of the sign. I open my bag and peer inside. I have about sixty dollars left. That should be enough for the bus fee and maybe a small little snack. I give a sigh of relief.

"Thank god I lost them. I don't know what I'd do with them."

"What you would do with us? I think that's our line." I shake my head in annoyance.

"Oh come on! What's it take to lose my past? It's obvious that no one in that family gave one thought about me, so why now?" I ask angrily, turning to look at the twins head on. They look startled at my angry expression.

"We actually did like you, so shut up. So what if Dad didn't like you before? After you left, he was actually upset."

"Of course he was. He didn't have anyone to criticize anymore."

"Shut up! Shut up with the 'no one likes me' act! It's stupid, and just not true."

"Just think though! Antonia never looked at me as a daughter she obviously saw you as! No one in school ever hung out with me, and David called me a pig or a donkey all the time! So don't say people actually liked me or cared about me, because they didn't!" My voice was silent, yet sounded like knives piercing someones skin.

Flamis grabbed my wrist and tugged me toward him. I was caught by surprise and crashed into his chest.

"Just because some people didn't like you back then, doesn't mean we hated you. We liked you. And we want you to come with us, somewhere you'll belong." Still a bit shocked, I nod in agreement.

"Fine. But if I don't like it, I'm running away again." I murmur. He smiles and looks at his twin.

"She's in." All I can think is;

"What the hell have I gotten myself into now?"

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