~~Chapter Five~~ Wanting Answers

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~~Chapter Five~~
Wanting Answers

The whole room was silent. No forks hitting the plates, no chatter. Nothing but silence. I broke the silence.

My chair screeches as I push it back and stand. I get looks, and Jada looks horrified. I walk out after him. I don't know why, but I'm curious.

"Avalon! Don't!" I hear Jada call. I ignore her and run into the hallway and straight into him.

"Yes Miss. Jones?" I stand there speechless.

"I uh," he smiles.

"Come, talk a walk with me Miss. Jones." I nod and follow him down the hallway. It takes a while just like last night to get to the main hallway.

"Are you concerned about something?" I nod.

"How can you say that someone was just murdered? I mean, last night?" He has a grim look on his face.

"We found the body this morning."

"But I saw how heavily guarded this place was. How could anyone get in?" He shakes his head and looks at me.

"Why do you care so much about someone who you don't know?" Im about to answer, when something flashes before my eyes, and I see nothing but white. That's when I see it. It's the dead of the night, and I can see a young man. He is wearing all black, and has a black cape or something like that.

Then I see a girl in a white dress with gold lining. Yet she remains unseen by the young man. As he walks near her, he stops and stiffens.

"How did you get in?" She smiles and steps out from the shadows. She seems as if she is the same age as him.

"Hello again Ray. How have you been the last century? Are you enjoying the endless lives that I gave you?"

"I will ask only once. How did you get in?" She laughs. I shiver with fear.

"Oh Ray, as handsome as ever. I missed you Master." He sends a piercing glare her way.

"I stopped being Master when my father banished me from the family. And you sided with him! You weren't there for me when I needed you."

"But your mother is Hecate! I couldn't agree with that."

"Shhhh! Be quiet! Someone will hear you!" He walked up to her and grabbed her arm. She smiles ever so slightly.

"Ah Master, your touch still sends shivers down my spine." He lets her go in disgust.

"You're sick. Whatever feelings I had for you as a child are gone. After you killed my father. You are still a maid in my eyes." Her demeanor changes with the word 'maid'.

"I did kill him. It would have taken an eternity to kill him. And tonight, I'm going to kill you the exact same way." Her eyes glowed a brighter gold. Her blonde hair became a silver, and Ray slowly began to lose his youth.

"Say my name. Say that I am more then vermin in the eyes of a rich man. Say it." He falls to the ground. He looks up at her, a face that looks about sixty years old, and manages one word.

"Never." She laughs.

"Then rot Master." She raises her hands high above her head. I see his early years coming back, but I could see the older years in his eyes. He watches the woman with terror.

"What are you doi-" that's when it happens. He grabs at his chest, at the section where his heart should be.

"I'm breaking your heart. The same way that you did mine. All the years may be in your eyes, but now, your heart is aging, getting all the years that it missed." I can hear the thump thump of his heart, beating faster and faster.

I watch in fear and admiration.

Admiration, because she can bring fear and pain to those that have wronged her.

Fear, because I admire her anger. Her hatred.

I needed to get out of there, but I didn't know how I even got there. I tried to move my arm, but she laughed.

"Rot with my love. Rot with my hatred. For with my feelings, you must die!"

Then, everything stopped. She was gone, and Ray was laying on the ground. He was dead. That's when a guard comes. He finds the body, and runs back to the mansion.

Then everything turns to black.

"Avalon? Are you okay?" I feel a steady hand on my back. I come to my senses, and slap his hand away. He seems startled at my action, and I do nothing but narrow my eyes.

"Excuse my actions Headmaster Rinchester, but I dislike being touched." He stands there gaping. He composed himself.

"I apologize Miss. List. You seemed distraught." I shake my head.

"I assure you, I am perfectly fine." He gives me a look of doubt.

"I don't believe you." He advances towards me in a slow walk. I back up.

"You don't know me well enough, that's probably why." My back hits a wall.

"What did you see?" He slaps his hands on either side of my head, trapping me. I look up into his eyes.

"Ray didn't die of a heart attack." He looks shocked for a minute

"Go on." He urges me.

"A woman killed him. It was swift and elegant the way she killed him. She called him Master. She also said he was a son of Hecate." He curses and grabs my chin.

"And how did you get this information? Were you there? Did you help kill him? Because you were very anxious to leave my office last night, and authorities say that they say you slip out in the dead of the night. You are our prime suspect."

His fingers start to caress my chin.

"You're a pretty thing aren't you?" He tugs my chin upwards and is so close that I can feel his breath on my lips. He smirks and forcefully kisses me. My eyes widen. His kiss is vigorous, but soft at the same time.

I can't move, and my body feels paralyzed as he continues to kiss me. I am powerless. I suddenly feel myself giving into the kiss. He pushes me even harder into the wall, and my body is pressed against his. He finally pulls away, his breathing hard.

I find myself drawn to his crystal blue eyes. He smirks.

"We should do this again sometime." He presses something cold into my hand. "Give me a call anytime, and I can give you a lot more firsts." He winks and walks away. I stand there, my lips throbbing.

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