~~Chapter Seven~~ Truth & Lies

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~~Chapter Seven~~

Truths & Lies

I hear a crash and look to the other bed. There's another desk, and I walk to that one. There's a bag on the floor and I grab it, putting the note in it. I then continued to go through the drawers.

I find a CD, a flash drive, and a stack of letters. I go to the original and grab the dagger. I look at it. It was a sterling silver with a gold handle. Simple, yet elegant. Just like the dress that lady was wearing.

Once I raided the room, I stuff the things that I found into the bag. I slip out of the room.

"Woah! Watch it!" I bump into someone and the bag slips out of my grasp.

"Sorry about that." He says. My eyes widen and I look up at the guy.

"Cyrus?" I ask bewildered. He looks at me with wide eyes.


"You go here?" He smiles.

"Yea. I'm in the Apollo dormitory."

"Oh. Apollo huh?"

"Yea..." He trails off, as if unsure of what to say next. There's an awkward silence.

"Well, I should get going. Bye"

"Wait!" I look back at him.


"What were you doing in that room? You do know this is the Hades hall, right?"

"H-hades? Like the God of death and all?"

"Technically God of the Underworld, but sure."

"I-I didn't know. I just got lost."

"Oh. But still, what were you doing in there?"

"I thought I heard someone, so I went in." He looked at the door suspiciously, but drops it. I smile and walk away.

I walk back to my dorm room with ease.

"Hey weirdo. Where'd you go?" Jada is on the bed exactly how I left her.

"Huh?" I hold the bag closer.

"You've been gone for like an hour, so Flamis sent his friend after you. Did he find you?"

"What does he look like?"

"Um he's 23, blonde hair, really pretty blue eyes, uh... Tan skin? Yeah, tan skin."

"Your brother is friends with Cyrus?" She gives me a bewildered look.

"Cyrus? I don't know who you saw then. Cause his name is William."

"Oh.." I think back to Cyrus, the guy who said that wasn't his real name. What is he hiding?

"So whatcha got there?" She gestures at the bag. I get the feeling that I shouldn't tell her.

"Oh I found it. It's cute, isn't it?"

"Yeah. Wanna watch a movie?"

"Nah. I'm gonna go to sleep."

"Dude it's only 5:21 in the morning."

"Exactly. Y'all are freaking weird."

"Fine. I'm gonna be watching for a while so yeah. Enjoy your nap." I laugh and flip onto the bed. I clutch the bag to me in bed and drift off.
"Hey, wake up." My eyes snap open.

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