Chapter Nine

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~~Chapter Nine~~
Information Overload

"Hey. Can ya hear me?" I slowly open my eyes.

"Dude, I need ya ta listen." I sit up and take in my surroundings. I then see a giant pair of wings from the ceiling. The wings belong to a small, leather clad figure. The girl wears a snarky grin.

"Ah, I see ya makin ya self at home huh? How ya likin' it? Nice right?"

"Who are you?" I take the covers off and stand from the bed. Her grin grows.

"Who am I? Well, ya should know, shouldn't ya? Didn't that bitch tell ya who I am?"

"Tiffany." She laughs.

"Well hell, give the girl a prize. Nice ta finally meet ya."

"What are you doing here?" I ask cautiously. Her grin fades away and is replaced with a hard stare.

"I'm here ta warn ya."

"About what? And why are you talking like that?"

"Talkin like what?"

"In your video, you didn't sound like this. You didn't even look like this. Who are you really?"

"So my pa is the God of death right? Meanin, I can take on the appearance o' any dead person. Apparently, I also take on the way they used ta speak."

"So this isn't your real body?"

"Nah. When I was exiled, pa told me ta take on an entirely different body so that I wouldn't be noticed."

"I suppose that makes sense. But why are you here anyway?" She laughs.

"Why? I'm here ta warn ya. Duh."

"Warn me of what?"

"Not a what, a who. The bitch that toke a liken ta ya. She drove me crazy. Literally. She funna do the same thing ta ya. Ah shit, this body ain't funna last me forever. See ya later alligator." She puts two fingers to her temple, and salutes me. Then in a puff of black smoke, she's gone.

"Alligator?" I stare at the place where the winged girl was before. My eyes begin to feel droopy, and I fall onto the bed, letting sleep win.

I wake up a couple hours later, feeling a lot better.

"I hope you slept well." A voice startles me and I look to my left.

"I still don't know your name." She sighs, then gives a tight smile.

"My name is Azteca. My mother named me after the fierce warriors who created the calendar."

"It's a nice name. Why didn't you tell me it before?"

"Names have power Lowen. Just like how you never had a proper name, your mother entrusted me with your name."

"So you're telling me that Apollo just called me Avalon because he wanted to?" She laughs.

"Before you were cast down to the mortal world, you lived up with your mother and the rest of the gods. Your name was originally Lowen, but everyone decided that you looked like an Amazon, so the name Avalon took place. I suppose he called you that to speed up your memory. You and Apollo were small then, and would play together very often, you could say childhood friends."

"I was friends with a god?" She gives me a warm smile.

"Yes my dear. You were friends with many gods, and you won the hearts of many. Even that cold hearted one, Hades. Oh how you loved the underworld. As a daughter of warmth, it surprised many of us. But Persephone and Hades loved to have you there, even though she tried to give you a pomegranate many times."

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