~~Chapter Three~~ Gods Academy

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~~Chapter Three~~
Gods Academy

After taking the train from some little city in New York (Flamis told me where we were after a few minutes of pestering him) to the place where they have the ferry, we rode the boat to Staten Island. Jada told me with animated expressions where we were going.

It was kinda like a school, except it wasn't.

"Don't worry if you don't understand a word coming out of my mouth, they will most likely tell you everything a bit better then I am right now." She laughed. I smiled and looked at Flamis. He was standing at the railing, not saying anything as the water moved. I gave a questioning look at Jada, and she reads my expression.

"He took your disappearance hard. He felt as though it were his fault. I don't know why he would though, he didn't start that fire." She shakes her head and brings out a phone.

"When did you get that?" I ask suspiciously. If she stole it, I swear, she will not hear the end of it. She laughed as if she could read my thoughts.

"Don't worry, they give you one as soon as you enter the academy. It's just so that they know where you are, and making sure you don't cause problems. It's more for safety then for entertainment purposes. I just wanted to see if the class schedule was up yet." I laugh softly and stand. I walk over to Flamis and look out at the water.

"I'm glad you're back." He says quietly after a moment of silence. I cast my eyes down and say nothing. He turns to me and lifts my head with a single finger. I look him in the face, but not in the eyes. "I really missed you." I close my eyes and turn away.

"Oh please," I say, trying to put my tough facade back on. "Like hell you missed me. You're probably living a life of luxury at this academy." He groans in frustration and pulls me into a hug.

"Why can't you ever just accept that we actually care about you?" He questions angrily. I say nothing, but try to push away. His grip is like steel, so I stop struggling. Instead, I sigh.

"I don't know." We stay like that for a while, until we hear Jada squeal. Flamis releases me quickly and looks at his sister.

"Perfect! All the good classes haven't been filled yet. Of course, you've already been enrolled and stuff, we just need to get the stuff that you would normally do, just like any other school. Sadly though, they've already placed us in our mandatory classes, and you seem to have none of those with Flamis or myself. Sorry, we'll be here every step of the way, just not in the same rooms at the same times."

Jada looked truly sad that we didn't share any classes together. It kinda made me rethink everything.

Kinda though.

The rest of the trip was silent, none of us making a sound. The others around us were bustling with their busy lives. I sigh and watch the water.

Once we reach land, we go to the airport and board a plane to O'Hare airport. I'm surprised at how much money the twins have, because we are boarded as first class.

I slept through the whole ride, and was really tired when we finally landed. I yawned and stretched, then stood and got off the plane. I followed the twins and got on a subway.

"Where exactly are we going?"

"A little place called Wisconsin." I sigh and look at my lap.

We continue with our journey, and finally get to the academy at 8:00 pm.

"Ugh, finally. Why'd ya have to go as far as New York? Damn I'm tired." I yawn in response to Jada's blabbing. She pats my knee three times.

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