~~Chapter Four~~ New School New Hours

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~~Chapter Four~~
New School New Hours

     "Gods Academy? Very original. Now I'm tired, and I'm sure you don't want to be graced with my hostile presence, so show me the way to my 'dorm' and I'll be on my way." He smiled.

     "Very well, you are dismissed." They both stand from the chairs and I follow them back out into the hallway.

     "So, how many people are here?" Jada seemed to ponder this.

     "I don't actually know. In our dorm, it was only Flamis and I, and so now you. As far as I'm concerned, there's about 600 students, maybe more. I don't really know." My eyes widen.

     That many people? Damn.

     "Wow. And that's kids and adults combined right?" She shakes her head no. I don't know what to say, so I stay quiet.

     It takes a while to get to the dorm room, and I'm so disoriented, that I don't remember how many turns and stairs we've taken.

     As soon as we enter one of the bedrooms, I collapse on the bed.

     "This is so soft." I curl up into a ball and close my eyes. I'm on the boarder of sleep, but then Flamis pulls me back up.

    "This is my bed. This is the boys section. The girls section is right through that door." I sigh and struggle to keep my eyes open.

     "Fine." I trudge through the door while Jada and Flamis laugh. I scowl and land on the second bed.

     "Goodnight, Sahara." I don't even have the energy to correct her, because I am soon coaxed into dreamland.
     "Wake up! You're gonna be late for your first day!" Jada is louder then an alarm clock. Seriously, we already have that thing blaring.

     "Alright alright I'm up. Stop jumping! You're gonna kick me in the face!" She laughs and jumps off my bed and into her own.

     "So, explain something to me. Who was your mother? Or father, cause I don't know if the gods give a damn about sexual preferences."

     "Um, our mother is Hestia."

     "So why am I here?"

     "Well, we don't know who your parents are, and you don't know anything about your past, so Justin put you with us cause we're technically your family."

     "I see." I purse my lips at the word 'family'.

     "Come on. Take a shower and get dressed."

     "Mhm. What time is it?" I plop back down on the bed.

     "It's 2:59 am." I bolt up.

     "2:59 in the morning? Are you f-ing INSANE?"

     "Don't cuss at me." She scolds me. I groan and bring the fluffy comforter over my face.

     "I don't want to get up." I groan. She laughs and throws a pillow at me.

     "Oh come on! You need to get up! Classes start in an hour." I throw the pillow back at her.

     "What the heak is wrong with this school?"

     "This is a school for offsprings of gods. Many things are wrong with this school." She pulls off the blankets and pulls me out of bed. I gape at her newfound strength. When I still lived with them, Jada couldn't even move the couch.

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